SrZrS3 is a promising chalcogenide perovskite with unique advantages including high abundance of consisting elements, high chemical stability, strong light absorption above its direct band gap, and excellent carrier transport ability. While unfortunately, due to the lack of breakthroughs in its thin film synthesis technique, its optoelectronic properties are not fully investigated, not to mention the device applications. In this work, large-area and uniform SrZrS3 thin film (5 cm × 5 cm) was prepared by facile sputtering method, followed by a post-annealing treatment at a high temperature of 1000 °C for 2–12 h under CS2 atmosphere. All SrZrS3 samples prepared adopt distorted orthorhombic structure with pnma space group and have high crystallinity. In addition, the band gap of SrZrS3 thin film is measured to be 2.29 eV, higher than that of the powder form (2.06 eV). Importantly, the light absorption coefficient of SrZrS3 thin film reaches over 105 cm−1, and the carrier mobility is as high as 106 cm2/(V∙s). The above advantages allow us to use the SrZrS3 thin film as photoactive layer for photodetector applications. Finally, a symmetrically structured photoconductive detector was fabricated, performing a high responsivity of 8 A/W (405 nm light excitation). These inspiring results promise the glorious application potential of SrZrS3 thin film in photodetectors, solar cells, and other optoelectronic devices.
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Article type
Research Article
Nano Research 2023, 16(5): 7867-7873
Published: 15 February 2023
Total 1