Open Access Issue
Optimized Consensus for Blockchain in Internet of Things Networks via Reinforcement Learning
Tsinghua Science and Technology 2023, 28 (6): 1009-1022
Published: 28 July 2023
Abstract PDF (4 MB) Collect

Most blockchain systems currently adopt resource-consuming protocols to achieve consensus between miners; for example, the Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerant (PBFT) schemes, which have a high consumption of computing/communication resources and usually require reliable communications with bounded delay. However, these protocols may be unsuitable for Internet of Things (IoT) networks because the IoT devices are usually lightweight, battery-operated, and deployed in an unreliable wireless environment. Therefore, this paper studies an efficient consensus protocol for blockchain in IoT networks via reinforcement learning. Specifically, the consensus protocol in this work is designed on the basis of the Proof-of-Communication (PoC) scheme directly in a single-hop wireless network with unreliable communications. A distributed MultiAgent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) algorithm is proposed to improve the efficiency and fairness of consensus for miners in the blockchain system. In this algorithm, each agent uses a matrix to depict the efficiency and fairness of the recent consensus and tunes its actions and rewards carefully in an actor-critic framework to seek effective performance. Empirical results from the simulation show that the fairness of consensus in the proposed algorithm is guaranteed, and the efficiency nearly reaches a centralized optimal solution.

Open Access Issue
Distributed Consensus for Blockchains in Internet-of-Things Networks
Tsinghua Science and Technology 2022, 27 (5): 817-831
Published: 17 March 2022
Abstract PDF (4.6 MB) Collect

In recent years, due to the wide implementation of mobile agents, the Internet-of-Things (IoT) networks have been applied in several real-life scenarios, servicing applications in the areas of public safety, proximity-based services, and fog computing. Meanwhile, when more complex tasks are processed in IoT networks, demands on identity authentication, certifiable traceability, and privacy protection for services in IoT networks increase. Building a blockchain system in IoT networks can greatly satisfy such demands. However, the blockchain building in IoT brings about new challenges compared with that in the traditional full-blown Internet with reliable transmissions, especially in terms of achieving consensus on each block in complex wireless environments, which directly motivates our work. In this study, we fully considered the challenges of achieving a consensus in a blockchain system in IoT networks, including the negative impacts caused by contention and interference in wireless channel, and the lack of reliable transmissions and prior network organizations. By proposing a distributed consensus algorithm for blockchains on multi-hop IoT networks, we showed that it is possible to directly reach a consensus for blockchains in IoT networks, without relying on any additional network layers or protocols to provide reliable and ordered communications. In our theoretical analysis, we showed that our consensus algorithm is asymptotically optimal on time complexity and is energy saving. The extensive simulation results also validate our conclusions in the theoretical analysis.

Open Access Issue
Implementation of Abstract MAC Layer Under Jamming
Tsinghua Science and Technology 2022, 27 (2): 257-269
Published: 29 September 2021
Abstract PDF (3.3 MB) Collect

In the past decades, with the widespread implementation of wireless networks, such as the Internet of Things, an enormous demand for designing relative algorithms for various realistic scenarios has arisen. However, with the widening of scales and deepening of network layers, it has become increasingly challenging to design such algorithms when the issues of message dissemination at high levels and the contention management at the physical layer are considered. Accordingly, the abstract medium access control (absMAC) layer, which was proposed in 2009, is designed to solve this problem. Specifically, the absMAC layer consists of two basic operations for network agents: the acknowledgement operation to broadcast messages to all neighbors and the progress operation to receive messages from neighbors. The absMAC layer divides the wireless algorithm design into two independent and manageable components, i.e., to implement the absMAC layer over a physical network and to solve higher-level problems based on the acknowledgement and progress operations provided by the absMAC layer, which makes the algorithm design easier and simpler. In this study, we consider the implementation of the absMAC layer under jamming. An efficient algorithm is proposed to implement the absMAC layer, attached with rigorous theoretical analyses and extensive simulation results. Based on the implemented absMAC layer, many high-level algorithms in non-jamming cases can be executed in a jamming network.

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