Open Access Research Article Issue
Enhanced thermoelectric properties of hydrothermally synthesized n-type Se&Lu-codoped Bi2Te3
Journal of Advanced Ceramics 2020, 9(4): 424-431
Published: 15 May 2020
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N-type Se&Lu-codoped Bi2Te3 nanopowders were prepared by hydrothermal method and sintered by spark plasma sintering technology to form dense samples. By further doping Se element into Lu-doped Bi2Te3 samples, the thickness of the nanosheets has the tendency to become thinner. The electrical conductivity of Lu0.1Bi1.9Te3-xSex material is reduced with the increasing Se content due to the reduced carrier concentration, while the Seeback coefficient values are enhanced. The lattice thermal conductivity of the Lu0.1Bi1.9Te3-xSex is greatly reduced due to the introduced point defects and atomic mass fluctuation. Finally, the Lu0.1Bi1.9Te2.7Se0.3 sample obtained a maximum ZT value of 0.85 at 420 K. This study provides a low-cost and simple low-temperature method to mass production of Se&Lu-codoped Bi2Te3 with high thermoelectric performance for practical applications.

Open Access Research Article Issue
Microstructure and composition engineering Yb single-filled CoSb3 for high thermoelectric and mechanical performances
Journal of Materiomics 2019, 5(4): 702-710
Published: 27 April 2019
Abstract Collect

A broad tunability of the thermoelectric and mechanical properties of CoSb3 has been demonstrated by adjusting the composition with the addition of an increasing number of elements. However, such a strategy may negatively impact processing repeatability and composition control. In this work, single-element-filled skutterudite is engineered to have high thermoelectric and mechanical performances. Increased Yb filling fraction is found to increase phonon scattering, whereas cryogenic grinding contributes additional microstructural scattering. A peak zT of 1.55 and an average zT of about 1.09, which is comparable to the reported results of multiple-filled SKDs, are realized by the combination of simple composition and microstructure engineering. Furthermore, the mechanical properties of Yb single-filled CoSb3 skutterudite are improved by manipulation of the microstructure through cryogenic grinding. These findings highlight the realistic prospect of producing high-performance thermoelectric materials with reduced compositional complexity.

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