Journal of Social Computing Open Access Editors-in-Chief: James EVANS, Xiaoming FU, Jar-Der LUO
Home Journal of Social Computing


  • Journal of Social Computing (JSC) is an open access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal which aims to publish high-quality, original research that pushes the boundaries of thinking, findings, and designs at the dynamic interface of social interaction and computation. This will include research in (1)computational social science—the use of computation to learn from the explosion of social data becoming available today; (2) complex social systems or the analysis of how dynamic, evolving social collectives constitute emergent computers to solve their own problems; and (3) human computer interaction whereby machines and persons recursively combine to generate unique knowledge and collective intelligence, or the intersection of these areas. The editorial board welcomes research from fields ranging across the social sciences, computer and information sciences, physics and ecology, communications and linguistics, and, indeed, any field or approach that can challenge and advance our understanding of the interface and integration of computation and social life. We seek to take risks, avoid boredom and court failure on the path to transformative new paradigms, insights, and possibilities.  The journal is open to a diversity of theoretic paradigms, methodologies and applications.

    The journal will be completely Open Access with no submission/publication fees for authors

    View Aims and Scope

  • Editors-in-Chief: James EVANS, Xiaoming FU, Jar-Der LUO

    View Editorial Board
