Open Access Just Accepted
Design considerations of glacial lake outburst floods and secondary hazards of earthquakes for hydropower projects
Journal of Intelligent Construction
Available online: 20 January 2025
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This paper describes the heavy damage to a hydropower project caused by the secondary hazards of a destructive earthquake and by a glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) within two consecutive years. The original design was reviewed through the development of its rehabilitation concept, and the mechanisms of the damage effects of the events were studied. On this basis, several design considerations are outlined to improve the structural resistance to destructive effects, which can be translated into design criteria and specifications and are useful for the design and construction of a hydropower project situated in a high seismic region or exposed to a GLOF risk. A case study indicated that the effects of aftershocks on a hydropower structure might be greater than those of major earthquakes, depending on the distance from the epicenter to the structure. Therefore, the effects of near-field and far-field earthquakes should be considered in design work. Unlike the term PMF suggested, GLOF is frequently larger than probable maximum flood (PMF) is. The design considerations recommended in this paper provide useful information for compiling a design standard or guidelines. This paper also provides a reference for outburst floods of earthquake-formed barrier lakes or other landslide dams.

Open Access Case Study Issue
Gomal Zam RCC Arch-Gravity Dam in Pakistan
Journal of Intelligent Construction 2024, 2(2): 9180013
Published: 12 April 2024
Abstract PDF (5.3 MB) Collect

Gomal Zam Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) Arch-Gravity Dam is up to now the only arch-type RCC dam in Pakistan. In the selection of dam axis and type, the local topographical and geological conditions were intelligently used to create the largest reservoir with the minimum dam volume. During the construction, several innovative technologies were applied. This paper highlights the notable structural features and innovative construction technologies.

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