Open Access Issue
High-Performance Flow Classification of Big Data Using Hybrid CPU-GPU Clusters of Cloud Environments
Tsinghua Science and Technology 2024, 29(4): 1118-1137
Published: 09 February 2024
Abstract PDF (3.4 MB) Collect

The network switches in the data plane of Software Defined Networking (SDN) are empowered by an elementary process, in which enormous number of packets which resemble big volumes of data are classified into specific flows by matching them against a set of dynamic rules. This basic process accelerates the processing of data, so that instead of processing singular packets repeatedly, corresponding actions are performed on corresponding flows of packets. In this paper, first, we address limitations on a typical packet classification algorithm like Tuple Space Search (TSS). Then, we present a set of different scenarios to parallelize it on different parallel processing platforms, including Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), clusters of Central Processing Units (CPUs), and hybrid clusters. Experimental results show that the hybrid cluster provides the best platform for parallelizing packet classification algorithms, which promises the average throughput rate of 4.2 Million packets per second (Mpps). That is, the hybrid cluster produced by the integration of Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA), Message Passing Interface (MPI), and OpenMP programming model could classify 0.24 million packets per second more than the GPU cluster scheme. Such a packet classifier satisfies the required processing speed in the programmable network systems that would be used to communicate big medical data.

Open Access Issue
Heating-Cooling Monitoring and Power Consumption Forecasting Using LSTM for Energy-Efficient Smart Management of Buildings: A Computational Intelligence Solution for Smart Homes
Tsinghua Science and Technology 2024, 29(1): 143-157
Published: 03 August 2023
Abstract PDF (656.6 KB) Collect

Energy management in smart homes is one of the most critical problems for the Quality of Life (QoL) and preserving energy resources. One of the relevant issues in this subject is environmental contamination, which threatens the world’s future. Green computing-enabled Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms can provide impactful solutions to this topic. This research proposes using one of the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) algorithms known as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) to comprehend how it is feasible to perform the cloud/fog/edge-enabled prediction of the building’s energy. Four parameters of power electricity, power heating, power cooling, and total power in an office/home in cold-climate cities are considered as our features in the study. Based on the collected data, we evaluate the LSTM approach for forecasting parameters for the next year to predict energy consumption and online monitoring of the model’s performance under various conditions. Towards implementing the AI predictive algorithm, several existing tools are studied. The results have been generated through simulations, and we find them promising for future applications.

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