Mining potential and valuable medical knowledge from massive medical data to support clinical decision-making has become an important research field. Personalized medicine recommendation is an important research direction in this field, aiming to recommend the most suitable medicines for each patient according to the health status of the patient. Personalized medicine recommendation can assist clinicians to make clinical decisions and avoid the occurrence of medical abnormalities, so it has been widely concerned by many researchers. Based on this, this paper makes a comprehensive review of personalized medicine recommendation. Specifically, we first make clear the definition of personalized medicine recommendation problem; then, starting from the key theories and technologies, the personalized medicine recommendation algorithms proposed in recent years are systematically classified (medicine recommendation based on multi-disease, medicine recommendation with combination pattern, medicine recommendation with additional knowledge, and medicine recommendation based on feedback) and in-depth analyzed; and this paper also introduces how to evaluate personalized medicine recommendation algorithms and some common evaluation indicators; finally, the challenges of personalized medicine recommendation problem are put forward, and the future research direction and development trends are prospected.
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Digital music has various characteristics, such as melody, rhythm, timbre, and harmony. According to these characteristics, music can be classified using artificial intelligence (AI). Music can reduce cognitive dissonance and improve memory in humans; however, occasionally, dissonant music can cause negative effects, such as aggravating depression. Therefore, music can be classified using technical methods and used selectively for human mood regulation, sleep improvement, disease relief, and treatment. Herein we present a survey of the fields of music, AI, and health to shed light on the digitization of music. In this survey, we (1) summarize the various characteristic elements of music, such as melody, rhythm, timbre, and harmony; (2) discuss the role of neural networks in classifying music based on these musical characteristics; (3) summarize the positive and negative effects of music with respect to five areas: sleep, memory, attention, mood, and movement; (4) summarize the therapeutic effect of music intervention with respect to various illnesses; and (5) present the future of music therapy as well as provide a few suggestions with respect to music therapy.

The evaluation and prediction of credit risk have always been a research hotspot to ensure the healthy and orderly development of the credit market. Most researchers use deep learning to predict credit risk. However, when training data are too small, deep learning models often lead to overfitting. Although we have a large amount of available training data, we often cannot ensure that the data are evenly distributed, which is still not conducive to model training. In addition, deep learning is often difficult to explain, and the unexplained model is often difficult to gain the trust of users, thus reducing the usefulness of the model. To solve these problems, we propose an integrated cross-domain credit default prediction network, called Transfer Light Gradient Boosting Machine (TrLightGBM), based on interpretable integration transfer. This network considers the weight of data from different domains in training and implements cross-domain credit default prediction by adjusting the weight. The experiment shows that our method TrLightGBM not only achieves the interpretability of the model to a certain extent but also has good performance.