Review Article Issue
Native and engineered exosomes for inflammatory disease
Nano Research 2023, 16(5): 6991-7006
Published: 27 December 2022
Abstract PDF (2.8 MB) Collect

Exosomes are extracellular vesicles which carry specific molecular information from donor cells and act as an intercellular communication vehicle, which have emerged as a novel cell-free strategy for the treatment of many diseases including inflammatory disease. Recently, rising studies have developed exosome-based strategies for novel inflammation therapy due to their biocompatibility and bioactivity. Researchers not only use native exosomes as therapeutic agents for inflammation, but also strive to make up for the natural defects of exosomes through engineering methods to improve and update the property of exosomes for enhanced therapeutic effects. The engineered exosomes can improve cargo-loading efficiency, targeting ability, stability, etc., to achieve combined and diverse treatment strategies in inflammation diseases. Herein, a comprehensive overview of the recent advances in application studies of native and engineered exosomes as well as the engineered methods is provided. Meanwhile, potential application prospects, possible challenges, and the development of clinical researches of exosome treatment strategy are concluded from plentiful examples, which may be able to provide guidance and suggestions for the future research and application of exosomes.

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