Research Article Issue
Pt single atoms coupled with Ru nanoclusters enable robust hydrogen oxidation for high-performance anion exchange membrane fuel cells
Nano Research 2024, 17(7): 6147-6156
Published: 23 March 2024
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The sluggish reaction kinetics of alkaline hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR) is one of the key challenges for anion exchange membrane fuel cells (AEMFCs). To achieve robust alkaline HOR with minimized cost, we developed a single atom-cluster multiscale structure with isolated Pt single atoms anchored on Ru nanoclusters supported on nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets (Pt1-Ru/NC). The well-defined structure not only provides multiple sites with varied affinity with the intermediates but also enables simultaneous modulation of different sites via interfacial interaction. In addition to weakening Ru–H bond strength, the isolated Pt sites are heavily involved in hydrogen adsorption and synergistically accelerate the Volmer step with the help of Ru sites. Furthermore, this catalyst configuration inhibits the excessive occupancy of oxygen-containing species on Ru sites and facilitates the HOR at elevated potentials. The Pt1-Ru/NC catalyst exhibits superior alkaline HOR performance with extremely high activity and excellent CO-tolerance. An AEMFC with a 0.1 mg·cmPGM−2 loading of Pt1-Ru/NC anode catalyst achieves a peak powder density of 1172 mW·cm−2, which is 2.17 and 1.55 times higher than that of Pt/C and PtRu/C, respectively. This work provides a new catalyst concept to address the sluggish kinetics of electrocatalytic reactions containing multiple intermediates and elemental steps.

Research Article Issue
Epitaxial interface stabilizing iridium dioxide toward the oxygen evolution reaction under high working potentials
Nano Research 2023, 16(4): 4767-4774
Published: 11 January 2023
Abstract PDF (9.3 MB) Collect

Proton exchange membrane water electrolyzer (PEMWE) driven by renewable electricity is a promising technique toward green hydrogen production, but the corrosive environment and high working potential pose severe challenges for developing advanced electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Although Ir-based materials possess relatively balanced activity and stability for the OER, their dissolution behavior cannot be neglected, in particular under high working potentials. In this work, iridium dioxide (IrO2) nanoparticles (NPs) were anchored on the surface of exfoliated h-boron nitride (BN) nanosheets (NSs) toward the OER reaction in acid media. Highly active Ir(V) species were stabilized by the epitaxial interface between IrO2 and h-BN, and therefore the IrO2/BN delivered stable performance at increased working potentials, while the activity of bare IrO2 NPs without h-BN support decreased rapidly. Also, the smaller lattice spacing of h-BN induced compressive strain for IrO2, resulting in improved activity. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of stabilizing highly active Ir(V) species for the OER in acid media by constructing robust interface and provide new possibilities toward designing advanced heterostructured electrocatalysts.

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