Research Article Issue
BaTiO3@Au nanoheterostructure suppresses triple-negative breast cancer by persistently disrupting mitochondrial energy metabolism
Nano Research 2023, 16 (2): 2775-2785
Published: 27 September 2022

Abnormal metabolism has become a potential target for highly malignant and invasive triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) due to its relatively low response to traditional therapeutics. The existing metabolic interventions demonstrated unsatisfactory therapeutic outcomes and potential systemic toxicity, resulting from the metabolic instability and limited targeting ability of inhibitors as well as complex tumor microenvironment. To address these limitations, here we developed a robust pyroelectric BaTiO3@Au core–shell nanostructure (BTO@Au) to selectively and persistently block energy generation of tumor cells. Stimulated by near-infrared (NIR) laser, the Au shell could generate heat to activate the BaTiO3 core to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) regardless of the constrained microenvironment, thus prominently inhibits mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and reduces ATP production to induce TNBC cell apoptosis. The therapeutic effects have been well demonstrated in vitro and in vivo, paving a new way for the development of metabolic interventions.

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