In this research, a novel method for regulating components in RE2SiO5/RE2Si2O7 multiphase silicates was developed, combining the benefits of a suitable thermal expansion coefficient (CTE) and outstanding corrosion resistance against calcium–magnesium–alumino–silicate (CMAS). This approach enhanced the overall thermophysical properties. Additionally, the results from the CMAS corrosion resistance test indicated that (Lu1/3Yb1/3Tm1/3)2SiO5/(Lu1/3Yb1/3Tm1/3)2Si2O7 and (Lu1/4Yb1/4Tm1/4Er1/4)2SiO5/(Lu1/4Yb1/4Tm1/4Er1/4)2Si2O7 exhibited exceptional resistance to CMAS penetration, even at temperatures up to 1500 °C. To comprehend the corrosion mechanism of CMAS on these silicates, we introduced a reaction–diffusion model, which involved observing the changes in the interface between the corrosion product layer and the silicate block. This was achieved using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). These findings lay a theoretical basis for selecting rare earth elements in RE2SiO5/RE2Si2O7 multiphase silicates based on the radii of different rare earth cations.
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In the rapidly evolving aerospace sector, the quest for sophisticated thermal barrier coating (TBC) materials has intensified. These materials are primarily sought for their superior comprehensive thermal characteristics, which include a low thermal conductivity coupled with a high coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) that synergizes with the substrate. In our study, we adopt a solid-state method to synthesize a series of high-entropy rare-earth cerates: La2Ce2O7 (1RC), (La1/2Nd1/2)2Ce2O7 (2RC), (La1/3Nd1/3Sm1/3)2Ce2O7 (3RC), (La1/4Nd1/4Sm1/4Eu1/4)2Ce2O7 (4RC), and (La1/5Nd1/5Sm1/5Eu1/5Gd1/5)2Ce2O7 (5RC), all sintered at 1,600 ℃ for 10 h. We thoroughly examine their phase structure, morphology, elemental distribution, and thermal properties. Our in-depth analysis of the phonon scattering mechanisms reveals that 4RC and 5RC exhibit exceptional thermal properties: high CTEs of 13.00 × 10−6 K−1 and 12.77 × 10−6 K−1 at 1,400 ℃, and low thermal conductivities of 1.55 W/(m·K) and 1.68 W/(m·K) at 1,000 ℃, respectively. Compared to other TBC systems, 4RC and 5RC stand out for their excellent thermal characteristics. This study significantly contributes to the development of high-entropy oxides for TBC applications.
High-entropy pyrosilicate element selection is relatively blind, and the thermal expansion coefficient (CTE) of traditional β-type pyrosilicate is not adjustable, making it difficult to meet the requirements of various types of ceramic matrix composites (CMCs). The following study aimed to develop a universal rule for high-entropy pyrosilicate element selection and to achieve directional control of the thermal expansion coefficient of high-entropy pyrosilicate. The current study investigates a high-entropy design method for obtaining pyrosilicates with stable β-phase and γ-phase by introducing various rare-earth (RE) cations. The solid-phase method was used to create 12 different types of high-entropy pyrosilicates with 4–6 components. The high-entropy pyrosilicates gradually transformed from β-phase to γ-phase with an increase in the average radius of RE3+ ions (
Rare-earth zirconates with pyrochlore and fluorite structures have recently been identified as promising thermal barrier coating materials owing to their low thermal conductivities. In this study, six samples with the general formula (NdSmEuGd)1-xDy2xZr2O7 were synthesized to further reduce the thermal conductivity. X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy showed that the transition from an ordered pyrochlore to a disordered fluorite structure is due to cation and anion disorder. Transmission electron microscopy showed that anion disorder occurred before cation disorder. A modified mass disorder parameter was introduced into this system, which can describe the change in thermal conductivity well. This parameter can be a basis for designing more complex materials with lower thermal conductivities.
In this study, the water vapor corrosion resistance of two types of high-entropy pyrosilicates ((Yb0.2Y0.2Lu0.2Ho0.2Er0.2)2Si2O7 ((5RE1/5)2Si2O7) and (Yb0.25Lu0.25Ho0.25Er0.25)2Si2O7 ((4RE1/4)2Si2O7)) and two single-component pyrosilicates (Yb2Si2O7 and Lu2Si2O7) were evaluated at 1350 ℃ for 50–100 h, and the initial corrosion behaviors of these pyrosilicates were studied. The results showed that the final corrosion products of the four types of pyrosilicates were all X2-type monosilicates, exhibiting similar corrosion phenomena. However, (4RE1/4)2Si2O7 generated many nanoscale monosilicate grains during corrosion. The corrosion resistance of Lu2Si2O7 was clearly better than those of the others, and (4RE1/4)2Si2O7 exhibited the worst corrosion resistance. The corrosion mechanism of the pyrosilicate blocks was analyzed from the perspectives of grain size, bulk hydrophobicity, and binding energy. This study potentially provides a theoretical basis for the preparation of high-entropy pyrosilicates with different atomic ratios according to the different properties of the various rare earth elements.
Yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) coatings and Al2O3-YSZ coatings were prepared by atmospheric plasma spraying (APS). Their microstructural changes during thermal cycling were investigated via scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). It was found that the microstructure and microstructure changes of the two coatings were different, including crystallinity, grain orientation, phase, and phase transition. These differences are closely related to the thermal cycle life of the coatings. There is a relationship between crystallinity and crack size. Changes in grain orientation are related to microscopic strain and cracks. Phase transition is the direct cause of coating failure. In this study, the relationship between the changes in the coating microstructure and the thermal cycle life is discussed in detail. The failure mechanism of the coating was comprehensively analyzed from a microscopic perspective.