Full-scale experimental study on longitudinal smoke flow field characteristics in high-speed railway tunnels
Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) 2024, 64(9): 1575-1586
Published: 15 September 2024
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The design of Chinese high-speed railway tunnels, characterized by their high arched ceiling and large sections, presents unique challenges in terms of heat and mass transfer behaviors. These architectural features significantly influence the dynamics of smoke movement, resulting in distinctive patterns of longitudinal flow and temperature distribution of smoke during a fire, which differ markedly from those observed in conventional highway tunnels.


To investigate the specifics of smoke flow dynamics, this study embarked on full-scale fire experiments conducted within the Baijiashan tunnel of the Yuxiang high-speed railway between Chongqing and Qianjiang. These experiments were instrumental in capturing critical data on flame height and longitudinal distribution of smoke temperature under various fire scenarios. Building on this empirical foundation, the study analyzed the combustion stages and calculated the longitudinal smoke velocity for each fire scenario examined.


Previous literature has highlighted that the heat release rates in full-scale experiments were calculated based on the equivalent diameter of fire sources, with values of 0.38, 1.01, and 2.52 MW, respectively. It was observed that as the heat release rate increased, there was a corresponding significant uptick in the longitudinal velocity of the smoke. Within the confines of a high-speed railway tunnel, the vertical temperature distribution of fire smoke exhibits a distinct top-hat pattern. This characteristic distribution remains consistent farther from the fire source. Furthermore, this study delineates the boundary between one-dimensional shooting flow (Region Ⅱ) and critical flow (Region Ⅲ) within the context of a Chinese high-speed railway tunnel, identified as x/H ≈3.85 based on experimental data. The study also probes into the suitability of existing models for predicting the longitudinal flow and temperature distribution of fire smoke in long, narrow spaces such as high-speed railway tunnels. It was found that owing to the extended length of one-dimensional shooting flow (Region Ⅱ), models that assume constant smoke thickness fall short in accuracy within this region.


This study revealed that despite the larger net height and cross-sectional area of high-speed railway tunnels compared to those of conventional railway tunnels, the heat release rate of the fire source critically influences the speed at which smoke spreads longitudinally. Moreover, the evolution of vertical temperature distribution is determined by the convective heat transfer coefficient beneath the ceiling and the ceiling jet thickness. As the smoke spreads, the smoke velocity evolution, along with the convective heat transfer coefficient and ceiling jet thickness, gradually stabilizes. This stabilization contributes to the stable top-hat temperature profile observed vertically. Leveraging Froude scaling, a new model for the longitudinal attenuation of smoke temperature rise in Region Ⅲ of a Chinese high-speed railway tunnel has been developed and validated for x/H ≥3.85. The insights gained from this work enrich the experimental research on the characteristics of longitudinal smoke flow in Chinese high-speed railway tunnels. Moreover, the field data obtained on the longitudinal flow and temperature distribution of fire smoke offers theoretical support for evaluating how the longitudinal spread of fire smoke affects personnel evacuation strategies in Chinese high-speed railway tunnels.

Open Access Research Article Issue
Experimental and numerical study on fire smoke propagation and ventilation modes in powerhouse of hydropower station during construction stage
Journal of Intelligent Construction 2024, 2(4): 9180035
Published: 06 August 2024
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In this study, full-scale fire experiments and numerical simulations of the underground powerhouse of a hydropower station during the construction stage were performed to investigate the temperature distribution and smoke propagation. The characteristic of inverse ambient temperature in the vertical direction was discovered, resulting in the vertical movement of smoke differing from that in a uniform temperature environment. The maximum temperature increase appeared at non-highest points. Smoke characteristic parameters such as smoke settlement height and temperature increase were discussed at different heat release rates (HRRs) of fire sources to determine the fire risk distribution of the powerhouse. Two ventilation modes were proposed, and their smoke control effects were compared. The optimal ventilation mode and volume in different fire scenarios were proposed. The findings offer scenario and data support for fire smoke control and emergency plan design in powerhouses of hydropower stations.

Open Access Research Article Issue
Experimental study on the vertical temperature and thermal stratification for subway station fire
Journal of Intelligent Construction 2023, 1(4): 9180030
Published: 27 December 2023
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Fire accident seriously threatens the stable operation and personnel security in the subway station, and thermal stratification is an important factor used to determine smoke settlement. Therefore, this paper carried out a series of model experiments by altering the heat release rate (HRR), fire locations, and ventilation conditions. The vertical temperature of the central longitudinal axis was measured, and the S value representing that thermal stratification characteristic was calculated and compared under various fire scenarios. The results showed that the temperature changing curve in the vertical direction was significantly affected by ventilation volume, but it had little to do with the HRR and fire location. The increase of HRR could influence the value of S by enhancing the upper temperature for the whole space and heating the lower temperature near the fire. In addition, the S value decreased with the distance under different longitudinal fire source locations, whereas the variety of S was not monotonical with the deviating transverse distance. And the larger ventilation volume was conducive to restricting smoke diffusion and improving the value of S. This work could provide data support and theoretical reference for controlling smoke stratification under subway station fire.

Open Access Research Article Issue
Exploring the evolutionary characteristics of social media data in metro emergencies: A case study of Zhengzhou Metro flood
Journal of Intelligent Construction 2023, 1(4): 9180027
Published: 18 December 2023
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With the development of urban transportation, metros have become an important means of travel for residents. However, casualty and economic loss might occur in metro systems due to various emergencies. Social media has gradually become the main way to express people’s needs, which provides a new analysis perspective for risk management in metros. This study takes the Zhengzhou Metro flood as an example and collects relevant social media data. Then, the analysis method of social media data evolution characteristics in metro emergencies is proposed. Finally, the evolution characteristics of social media data are analyzed from three aspects: spatiotemporal distribution, emotional distribution, and hot topics classification. The results show that: The temporal distribution of social media data is affected by the emergency process and official media; the spatial distribution of social media data reflects the distribution of stations affected by emergency and temporary shelters; timely and appropriate official media reports are conducive to guiding public emotions toward positive; and the key hot topics can be divided into disaster environment (DE), disaster impact (DI), disaster carrier (DC), emergency management (EM), positive comment (PC), and negative comment (NC). The proposed method can provide support for public opinion analysis and risk management in metro emergencies.

Full-scale experimental study on single-end tunnel fires
Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) 2023, 63(6): 917-925
Published: 15 June 2023
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Considering the advancement in underground space construction in China, the number of single-end tunnels during the construction process has increased annually. To study the smoke-spreading characteristics of fires occurring in single-end tunnels formed during subway construction, a full-scale experiment was performed in the construction section of a subway tunnel.


The diffusion and settlement laws of smoke in a single-end tunnel were studied through the analysis of the overall temperature distribution, wind speed distribution, smoke layer height, and other tunnel parameters with on-site observation combined.


The results indicate that under natural ventilation, the diffusion velocity of smoke is slower toward the closed end than toward the through end; moreover, the velocity difference decreases with increasing distance between the ignition source and the closed end.


The decay rate of ceiling flue gas temperature is slower toward the through end than toward the closed end. The distribution of flue gas at the connected end conforms to the classical model with the exponential decay distritution, while the closed end has a clear accumulation effect, forming a dangerous section. The height of the flue gas layer at the closed end is as low as 1.5 m, which is the key aspect for consideration in flue gas control and fire emergencies.

Research for smoke control in a subway tunnel under the ceiling multi-point vertical smoke exhaust
Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) 2023, 63(5): 754-764
Published: 15 May 2023
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To investigate the metro interval tunnel fire under the ceiling multipoint vertical smoke exhaust, the smoke temperature distribution under the tunnel ceiling is analyzed by performing a series of field fire experiments at a scale of 0.25-1.25 MW in a subway section tunnel.


A fire dynamics simulator numerical simulation tunnel model corresponding to the actual size is established. Subsequently, by increasing the fire source heat release rate (5.00-20.00 MW) and the exhaust air volume of the ventilation tunnel (0-120 m3/s), the critical exhaust air volume and exhaust efficiency is investigated, which can help in mitigating the spread of downstream smoke.


According to the experiment and simulation results, different fire source positions exhibited no effect on the range of the lateral centerline temperature increase area. The position of the smoke exhaust port enabled the suppression of the increase in the ceiling temperature due to the elevated fire source heat release rate. Thus, establishing the air inlet in the metro tunnel could suppress the reverse flow of the smoke; however, it would make the downstream smoke unstable, and the exhaust port could not completely discharge the high-temperature smoke. The smoke temperature of the exhaust port near the fire source, which was related to the fire source heat release rate, but was almost independent of the exhaust air volume. With the increase of the exhaust air volume, it almost remained unchanged. Concurrently, the smoke exhaust port near the fire source played a major role in exhausting the smoke and heat. A critical exhaust air volume completely exhausted all the smoke generated by the fire, whose value was related to the fire source heat release rate. The Fr characterized the ratio of the inertial force to the buoyancy of the smoke layer. The dimensionless Fr was used to determine whether "plug-holing" occurs in the smoke exhaust system. The critical Fr was calculated to be approximately 2.7, slightly higher than that in previous studies.


The exhaust efficiency is an important parameter reflecting the exhaust effect of the exhaust port in the tunnel. The smoke exhaust efficiency of the exhaust port is calculated using the ratio of the mass flow rate of CO in the smoke discharged from the exhaust port and the total downstream CO mass flow rate of the smoke. With the increase in the exhaust air volume, the mass flow of CO discharged from the exhaust port close to the fire source first increases and then gradually becomes flat primarily because the exhaust efficiency of the exhaust port reaches saturation. Therefore, for different exhaust air volumes and fire source heat release rates, the exhaust efficiency first increases and then remains constant. Thus, when the exhaust air volume reaches a certain value, the exhaust port can completely discharge all the high-temperature smoke, and the exhaust efficiency of the port becomes 1. The empirical formula among the smoke exhaust efficiency, the Fr, and the dimensionless wind speed is obtained, and the empirical formula presents a piecewise function relationship.

Assessment of natural disaster emergency relief demand based on Microblog data
Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) 2022, 62(10): 1626-1635
Published: 15 October 2022
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Real-time social media data can be used to improve data timeliness and accuracy during disaster emergency responses. The key disaster area needs are prioritized here using a disaster relief index system for emergency rescue and command support needs, post-disaster emergency rescue needs, basic living support needs and public infrastructure support needs. The emergency relief evaluation model uses entropy weights and the grey improvement technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS). The method is applied to the typhoon Lekima response as an example to assess the specific emergency rescue needs in the cities of affected provinces to verify the effectiveness of this disaster evaluation model by comparison with disaster loss data.

Temperature measurement errors in full-scale tunnel fire experiments
Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) 2022, 62(10): 1618-1625
Published: 15 October 2022
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Full-scale fire experiments in real highway tunnels were conducted to evaluate the temperature measurement errors in such experiments. The longitudinal temperature distributions in the tunnel were measured in repeated trials with the same conditions. Statistical analyses were then use to quantify the temperature measurement errors in different areas and at different times. The maximum error was more than ±20℃ with the maximum relative error reaching 40%. Fluctuations in the flow rate and fire power were two important factors affecting the uncertainties with then increased the standard deviation of the temperature in the smoke front arrival stage and the fire power attenuation stage. There were significant differences in the standard deviations of the temperature upstream and downstream of the fire source. The upwind smoke diffusion is more easily disturbed by flow rate fluctuations with a maximum relative temperature error of more than 20%. The results support accuracy evaluations and error analyses of full-scale experimental tunnel fire data.

Full-scale experimental study of a bifurcated tunnel fire in a hydropower engineering project
Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) 2022, 62(1): 1-12
Published: 15 January 2022
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Full-scale experiments in a bifurcated tunnel in a hydropower station with a fire source at the junction area were conducted to investigate fire-induced smoke spread characteristics in connected regions. The spread and descent of smoke in each tunnel were studied by analyzing the temperature profiles and smoke layer heights coupled with on-site observations. The results show that the slope and ventilation strongly affect the smoke risks in each tunnel with the smoke temperature steadily decreasing with distinct stratification upwind of the fire source. The smoke and fresh air mixture flow disrupted the smoke stratification and caused the smoke level to lower in the tunnel with the vertical temperature distribution becoming more uniform. Moreover, the aggravation of smoke deposition in the uphill direction in tunnel 2# increased the smoke temperature in the longitudinal direction below 3 m. The different fire risks in different tunnel sections should be carefully considered in smoke control designs. For the present fire heat release rate, the smoke layer height remained at 4.2 m in the upstream tunnel, while the downstream tunnels faced higher risks that the smoke layer descending below 1.5 m. The uphill slope in tunnel 2# increased the smoke descent with the smoke height decreasing to 0.8 m after 2 min, which should be considered in smoke control designs and fire emergency.

Research Article Issue
Study on the optimal operation mode of ventilation system during metro double-island platform fire
Building Simulation 2021, 14(3): 779-792
Published: 19 September 2020
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Large metro transfer stations have been widely constructed in China, among which the double-island station faces the serious fire safety issues owing to its large passenger flow. In this paper, simulation cases were carried out to investigate the effectiveness of different ventilation modes by jointly operating tunnel ventilation fan (TVF) and platform screen doors (PSD) under two typical fire scenarios in the platform. The numerical model was established by Fire Dynamics Simulator software and verified via reduced-scale model experiments. The results indicate that the TVF mode of supplying at the end near fire and exhausting at the other end is superior to that of exhausting at both ends. Besides, activating more PSD and TVF on the both sides of platform will restrict smoke in one end to the greater extent. During a fire in the middle of the platform, opening all PSD near tunnel-2 and TVF in tunnel-2 and tunnel-3 is the most appropriate mode. While during a fire at the left end of the platform, activating all PSD and TVF on both sides is the optimal operation mode. The conclusions can provide guidance for smoke control design and on-site emergency ventilation operation in double-island platform fire.

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