Research Article Issue
Superhydrophobic, photo-sterilize, and reusable mask based on graphene nanosheet-embedded carbon (GNEC) film
Nano Research 2021, 14(4): 1110-1115
Published: 25 November 2020
Abstract PDF (624.2 KB) Collect

The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has affected more than 200 countries. Wearing masks can effectively cut off the virus spreading route since the coronavirus is mainly spreading by respiratory droplets. However, the common surgical masks cannot be reused, resulting in the increasing economic and resource consumption around the world. Herein, we report a superhydrophobic, photo-sterilize, and reusable mask based on graphene nanosheet-embedded carbon (GNEC) film, with high-density edges of standing structured graphene nanosheets. The GNEC mask exhibits an excellent hydrophobic ability (water contact angle: 157.9°) and an outstanding filtration efficiency with 100% bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE). In addition, the GNEC mask shows the prominent photo-sterilize performance, heating up to 110 °C quickly under the solar illumination. These high performances may facilitate the combat against the COVID-19 outbreaks, while the reusable masks help reducing the economic and resource consumption.

Open Access Review Article Issue
From ice superlubricity to quantum friction: Electronic repulsivity and phononic elasticity
Friction 2015, 3(4): 294-319
Published: 23 December 2015
Abstract PDF (9.4 MB) Collect

Superlubricity means non-sticky and frictionless when two bodies are set contacting motion. Although this occurrence has been extensively investigated since 1859 when Faraday firstly proposed a quasiliquid skin on ice, the mechanism behind the superlubricity remains uncertain. This report features a consistent understanding of the superlubricity pertaining to the slipperiness of ice, self-lubrication of dry solids, and aqueous lubricancy from the perspective of skin bond-electron-phonon adaptive relaxation. The presence of nonbonding electron polarization, atomic or molecular undercoordination, and solute ionic electrification of the hydrogen bond as an addition, ensures the superlubricity. Nonbond vibration creates soft phonons of high magnitude and low frequency with extraordinary adaptivity and recoverability of deformation. Molecular undercoordination shortens the covalent bond with local charge densification, which in turn polarizes the nonbonding electrons making them localized dipoles. The locally pinned dipoles provide force opposing contact, mimicking magnetic levitation and hovercraft. O:H−O bond electrification by aqueous ions has the same effect of molecular undercoordination but it is throughout the entire body of the lubricant. Such a Coulomb repulsivity due to the negatively charged skins and elastic adaptivity due to soft nonbonding phonons of one of the contacting objects not only lowers the effective contacting force but also prevents charge from being transited between the counterparts of the contact. Consistency between theory predictions and observations evidences the validity of the proposal of interface elastic Coulomb repulsion that serves as the rule for the superlubricity of ice, wet and dry frictions, which also reconciles the superhydrophobicity, superlubricity, and supersolidity at contacts.

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