Open Access Issue
Survey of Distributed Computing Frameworks for Supporting Big Data Analysis
Big Data Mining and Analytics 2023, 6(2): 154-169
Published: 26 January 2023
Abstract PDF (3.6 MB) Collect

Distributed computing frameworks are the fundamental component of distributed computing systems. They provide an essential way to support the efficient processing of big data on clusters or cloud. The size of big data increases at a pace that is faster than the increase in the big data processing capacity of clusters. Thus, distributed computing frameworks based on the MapReduce computing model are not adequate to support big data analysis tasks which often require running complex analytical algorithms on extremely big data sets in terabytes. In performing such tasks, these frameworks face three challenges: computational inefficiency due to high I/O and communication costs, non-scalability to big data due to memory limit, and limited analytical algorithms because many serial algorithms cannot be implemented in the MapReduce programming model. New distributed computing frameworks need to be developed to conquer these challenges. In this paper, we review MapReduce-type distributed computing frameworks that are currently used in handling big data and discuss their problems when conducting big data analysis. In addition, we present a non-MapReduce distributed computing framework that has the potential to overcome big data analysis challenges.

Open Access Issue
On Quantum Methods for Machine Learning Problems Part II: Quantum Classification Algorithms
Big Data Mining and Analytics 2020, 3(1): 56-67
Published: 19 December 2019
Abstract PDF (15.5 MB) Collect

This is a review of quantum methods for machine learning problems that consists of two parts. The first part, "quantum tools", presented some of the fundamentals and introduced several quantum tools based on known quantum search algorithms. This second part of the review presents several classification problems in machine learning that can be accelerated with quantum subroutines. We have chosen supervised learning tasks as typical classification problems to illustrate the use of quantum methods for classification.

Open Access Issue
On Quantum Methods for Machine Learning Problems Part I: Quantum Tools
Big Data Mining and Analytics 2020, 3(1): 41-55
Published: 19 December 2019
Abstract PDF (17.9 MB) Collect

This is a review of quantum methods for machine learning problems that consists of two parts. The first part, "quantum tools", presents the fundamentals of qubits, quantum registers, and quantum states, introduces important quantum tools based on known quantum search algorithms and SWAP-test, and discusses the basic quantum procedures used for quantum search methods. The second part, "quantum classification algorithms", introduces several classification problems that can be accelerated by using quantum subroutines and discusses the quantum methods used for classification.

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