Possessing a valley degree of freedom and potential in information processing by manipulating valley features (such as valley splitting), group-VI monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides have attracted enormous interest. This valley splitting can be measured based on the difference between the peak energies of σ+ and σ- polarized emissions for excitons or trions in direct band gap monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides under perpendicular magnetic fields. In this work, a well-prepared heterostructure is formed by transferring exfoliated WSe2 onto a EuS substrate. Circular-polarization-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy, one of the most facile and intuitive methods, is used to probe the difference of the gap energy in two valleys under an applied out-of-plane external magnetic field. Our results indicate that valley splitting can be enhanced when using a EuS substrate, as compared to a SiO2/Si substrate. The enhanced valley splitting of the WSe2/EuS heterostructure can be understood as a result of an interfacial magnetic exchange field originating from the magnetic proximity effect. The value of this magnetic exchange field, based on our estimation, is approximately 9 T. Our findings will stimulate further studies on the magnetic exchange field at the interface of similar heterostructures.
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Semiconductor nanocrystals (dots, rods, wires, etc.) exhibit a wide range of electrical and optical properties that differ from those of the corresponding bulk materials. These properties depend on both nanocrystal size and shape. Compared with nanodots, nanorods have an additional degree of freedom, the length or aspect ratio, and reduced symmetry, which leads to anisotropic properties. In this paper, we report the Au nanoparticle-catalyzed colloidal synthesis of monodisperse CdS nanorods. Based on systematic high resolution transmission electron microscopy studies, we propose a growth mechanism for these nanorods.