Regular Paper Issue
Inverse Markov Process Based Constrained Dynamic Graph Layout
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2021, 36 (3): 707-718
Published: 05 May 2021

In online dynamic graph drawing, constraints over nodes and node pairs help preserve a coherent mental map in a sequence of graphs. Defining the constraints is challenging due to the requirements of both preserving mental map and satisfying the visual aesthetics of a graph layout. Most existing algorithms basically depend on local changes but fail to do proper evaluations on the global propagation when setting constraints. To solve this problem, we introduce a heuristic model derived from PageRank which simulates the node movement as an inverse Markov process hence to give a global analysis of the layout's change, according to which different constraints can be set. These constraints, along with stress function, generate layouts maintaining spatial positions and shapes of relatively stable substructures between adjacent graphs. Experiments demonstrate that our method preserves both structure and position similarity to help users track graph changes visually.

Open Access Issue
Edge Bundling in Information Visualization
Tsinghua Science and Technology 2013, 18 (2): 145-156
Published: 30 April 2013

The edge, which can encode relational data in graphs and multidimensional data in parallel coordinates plots, is an important visual primitive for encoding data in information visualization research. However, when data become very large, visualizations often suffer from visual clutter as thousands of edges can easily overwhelm the display and obscure underlying patterns. Many edge-bundling techniques have been proposed to reduce visual clutter in visualizations. In this survey, we briefly introduce the visual-clutter problem in visualizations. Thereafter, we review the cost-based, geometry-based, and image-based edge-bundling methods for graphs, parallel coordinates, and flow maps. We then describe the various visualization applications that use edge-bundling techniques and discuss the evaluation studies concerning the effectiveness of edge-bundling methods. An edge-bundling taxonomy is proposed at the end of this survey.

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