Open Access Issue
IoT data cleaning techniques: A survey
Intelligent and Converged Networks 2022, 3(4): 325-339
Published: 30 December 2022
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Data cleaning is considered as an effective approach of improving data quality in order to help practitioners and researchers be devoted to downstream analysis and decision-making without worrying about data trustworthiness. This paper provides a systematic summary of the two main stages of data cleaning for Internet of Things (IoT) data with time series characteristics, including error data detection and data repairing. In respect to error data detection techniques, it categorizes an overview of quantitative data error detection methods for detecting single-point errors, continuous errors, and multidimensional time series data errors and qualitative data error detection methods for detecting rule-violating errors. Besides, it provides a detailed description of error data repairing techniques, involving statistics-based repairing, rule-based repairing, and human-involved repairing. We review the strengths and the limitations of the current data cleaning techniques under IoT data applications and conclude with an outlook on the future of IoT data cleaning.

Regular Paper Issue
Impacts of Dirty Data on Classification and Clustering Models: An Experimental Evaluation
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2021, 36(4): 806-821
Published: 05 July 2021
Abstract Collect

Data quality issues have attracted widespread attentions due to the negative impacts of dirty data on data mining and machine learning results. The relationship between data quality and the accuracy of results could be applied on the selection of the appropriate model with the consideration of data quality and the determination of the data share to clean. However, rare research has focused on exploring such relationship. Motivated by this, this paper conducts an experimental comparison for the effects of missing, inconsistent, and conflicting data on classification and clustering models. From the experimental results, we observe that dirty-data impacts are related to the error type, the error rate, and the data size. Based on the findings, we suggest users leverage our proposed metrics, sensibility and data quality inflection point, for model selection and data cleaning.

Open Access Issue
Effective Density-Based Clustering Algorithms for Incomplete Data
Big Data Mining and Analytics 2021, 4(3): 183-194
Published: 12 May 2021
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Density-based clustering is an important category among clustering algorithms. In real applications, many datasets suffer from incompleteness. Traditional imputation technologies or other techniques for handling missing values are not suitable for density-based clustering and decrease clustering result quality. To avoid these problems, we develop a novel density-based clustering approach for incomplete data based on Bayesian theory, which conducts imputation and clustering concurrently and makes use of intermediate clustering results. To avoid the impact of low-density areas inside non-convex clusters, we introduce a local imputation clustering algorithm, which aims to impute points to high-density local areas. The performances of the proposed algorithms are evaluated using ten synthetic datasets and five real-world datasets with induced missing values. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.

Open Access Issue
Mining Conditional Functional Dependency Rules on Big Data
Big Data Mining and Analytics 2020, 3(1): 68-84
Published: 19 December 2019
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Current Conditional Functional Dependency (CFD) discovery algorithms always need a well-prepared training dataset. This condition makes them difficult to apply on large and low-quality datasets. To handle the volume issue of big data, we develop the sampling algorithms to obtain a small representative training set. We design the fault-tolerant rule discovery and conflict-resolution algorithms to address the low-quality issue of big data. We also propose parameter selection strategy to ensure the effectiveness of CFD discovery algorithms. Experimental results demonstrate that our method can discover effective CFD rules on billion-tuple data within a reasonable period.

Open Access Issue
Trajectory Big Data Processing Based on Frequent Activity
Tsinghua Science and Technology 2019, 24(3): 317-332
Published: 24 January 2019
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With the rapid development and wide use of Global Positioning System in technology tools, such as smart phones and touch pads, many people share their personal experience through their trajectories while visiting places of interest. Therefore, trajectory query processing has emerged in recent years to help users find their best trajectories. However, with the huge amount of trajectory points and text descriptions, such as the activities practiced by users at these points, organizing these data in the index becomes tedious. Therefore, the parallel method becomes indispensable. In this paper, we have investigated the problem of distributed trajectory query processing based on the distance and frequent activities. The query is specified by start and final points in the trajectory, the distance threshold, and a set of frequent activities involved in the point of interest of the trajectory. As a result, the query returns the shortest trajectory including the most frequent activities with high support and high confidence. To simplify the query processing, we have implemented the Distributed Mining Trajectory R-Tree index (DMTR-Tree). For this method, we initially managed the large trajectory dataset in distributed R-Tree indexes. Then, for each index, we applied the frequent itemset Apriori algorithm for each point to select the frequent activity set. For the faster computation of the above algorithms, we utilized the cluster computing framework of Apache Spark with MapReduce as the programing model. The experimental results show that the DMTR-Tree index and the query-processing algorithm are efficient and can achieve the scalability.

Regular Paper Issue
O2iJoin: An Efficient Index-Based Algorithm for Overlap Interval Join
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2018, 33(5): 1023-1038
Published: 12 September 2018
Abstract Collect

Time intervals are often associated with tuples to represent their valid time in temporal relations, where overlap join is crucial for various kinds of queries. Many existing overlap join algorithms use indices based on tree structures such as quad-tree, B+-tree and interval tree. These algorithms usually have high CPU cost since deep path traversals are unavoidable, which makes them not so competitive as data-partition or plane-sweep based algorithms. This paper proposes an efficient overlap join algorithm based on a new two-layer flat index named as Overlap Interval Inverted Index (i.e., O2i Index). It uses an array to record the end points of intervals and approximates the nesting structures of intervals via two functions in the first layer, and the second layer uses inverted lists to trace all intervals satisfying the approximated nesting structures. With the help of the new index, the join algorithm only visits the must-be-scanned lists and skips all others. Analyses and experiments on both real and synthetic datasets show that the proposed algorithm is as competitive as the state-of-the-art algorithms.

Open Access Issue
Truth Discovery on Inconsistent Relational Data
Tsinghua Science and Technology 2018, 23(3): 288-302
Published: 02 July 2018
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In this era of big data, data are often collected from multiple sources that have different reliabilities, and there is inevitable conflict with respect to the various information obtained when it relates to the the same object. One important task is to identify the most trustworthy value out of all the conflicting claims, and this is known as truth discovery. Existing truth discovery methods simultaneously identify the most trustworthy information and source reliability degrees and are based on the idea that more reliable sources often provide more trustworthy information, and vice versa. However, there are often semantic constrains defined upon relational database, which can be violated by a single data source. To remove violations, an important task is to repair data to satisfy the constrains, and this is known as data cleaning. The two problems above may coexist, but considering them together can provide some benefits, and to the authors knowledge, this has not yet been the focus of any research. In this paper, therefore, a schema-decomposing based method is proposed to simultaneously discover the truth and to clean the data, with the aim of improving accuracy. Experimental results using real world data sets of notebooks and mobile phones, as well as simulated data sets, demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed method.

Open Access Issue
A Generic Data Analytics System for Manufacturing Production
Big Data Mining and Analytics 2018, 1(2): 160-171
Published: 12 April 2018
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The increase in the amount of manufacturing information available means that big data can be collected and, with appropriate deep analysis, could be of great value to manufacturers. However, most small manufacturers cannot afford the overhead of a professional data analytics team. To address this problem, in this paper a generic data analytics system, Generic Manufacturing Data Analytics system (GMDA), is proposed. This system can perform most manufacturing data analytics tasks and users can easily carry out data analysis even if they have no prior knowledge or experience of data analytics. To establish such a system, we designed an abstract language, GMDL, to describe the manufacturing data analytics tasks. Aimed at factory data analytics, several algorithms were selected, tuned, optimized, and finally integrated into the system. Some noteworthy techniques were developed in GMDA such as proper algorithm selection strategy and an optimal parameter determination algorithm. Case studies show the practicability and reliability of the system.

Open Access Issue
Efficient Currency Determination Algorithms for Dynamic Data
Tsinghua Science and Technology 2017, 22(3): 227-242
Published: 04 May 2017
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Data quality is an important aspect in data application and management, and currency is one of the major dimensions influencing its quality. In real applications, datasets timestamps are often incomplete and unavailable, or even absent. With the increasing requirements to update real-time data, existing methods can fail to adequately determine the currency of entities. In consideration of the velocity of big data, we propose a series of efficient algorithms for determining the currency of dynamic datasets, which we divide into two steps. In the preprocessing step, to better determine data currency and accelerate dataset updating, we propose the use of a topological graph of the processing order of the entity attributes. Then, we construct an Entity Query B-Tree (EQB-Tree) structure and an Entity Storage Dynamic Linked List (ES-DLL) to improve the querying and updating processes of both the data currency graph and currency scores. In the currency determination step, we propose definitions of the currency score and currency information for tuples referring to the same entity and use examples to discuss methods and algorithms for their computation. Based on our experimental results with both real and synthetic data, we verify that our methods can efficiently update data in the correct order of currency.

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