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Materials and Solidification is a single-blind peer-reviewed, fully open access international journal published by Tsinghua University Press, with academic support provided by the State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University. The Journal aims to publish cutting-edge research results in solidification theory and solidification technologies for metal, semiconductor, organic, inorganic, and polymer materials in bulk or as thin films. It includes, but is not limited to, casting, welding, and additive manufacturing related to solidification processing, and is also involved in nonequilibrium solidification phenomena in multiphysical fields, such as electricity, ultrasonication, magnetism, and microgravity.
Materials and Solidification offers a common reference and publication source for researchers in the experimental and theoretical aspects of solidification and its applications.
Experimental and theoretical contributions are welcomed in the following fields:
Readership will include scientists and engineers working in the fields of solidification theory, crystal growth behavior, and metallic and ceramic materials from academia and industry, as well as policy makers.
Solidification theory, Solidification technologies, Metal solidification, Casting, Nonequilibrium solidification, Nucleation and growth, Microstructure formation, Rapid solidification, Synthesis and characterization, Solidified microstructure properties
Northwestern Polytechnical University
Tsinghua University Press