Materials Reports: Solidwaste and Ecomaterials Open Access Editors-in-Chief: Dongmin Wang, Chi Sun Poon, Hongzhi Cui, Zuhua Zhang
Home Materials Reports: Solidwaste and Ecomaterials


  • Materials Reports: Solidwaste and Ecomaterials (MRSE) is an international journal with the mission of communicating innovative and original research, interesting and critical thinking, development and application of various solid wastes around the world. Original research, reviews, short communications and case studies that have the concept of turning solid wastes into unhazardous, useful, functional, and valuable materials are considered. Through publishment activities, we aim at providing scientific understanding, innovative ideas, sustainable solutions, advanced technologies, affordable practices, and management skills to support total recycling of solid wastes and achieve the goal of zero waste society. The ultimate goal is to build up green ecological environment for both human beings and other living things.

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  • Editors-in-Chief: Dongmin Wang, Chi Sun Poon, Hongzhi Cui, Zuhua Zhang

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  • Chongqing Southwest Information Co., Ltd. (SWIC)

    Shenzhen University

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  • Tsinghua University Press

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