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Research Article | Open Access

High temperature piezoelectric properties and ultra-high temperature sensing properties of bismuth tungstate

Yaoyao Liao1Qingwei Liao1,2( )Yuxiang Yin1Yinghao Li1Mingkun Du3Hanqing Zhao1Lingxia Li3( )Yuying Wang4( )Lei Qin1,2( )
Key Laboratory of Sensors, Beijing Information Science & Technology University, Beijing 100192, China
Key Laboratory of Modern Measurement & Control Technology, Ministry of Education, Beijing Information Science & Technology University, Beijing 100192, China
School of Microelectronics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Nanjing Light Xingjian Biological Technology Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210012, China
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In energy generation, aerospace, and other related industries, high-temperature acceleration sensing is an essential tool for diagnostic testing, troubleshooting, and quality control. Currently, commercial acceleration sensors have a maximum operating temperature of no more than 550 °C. The study of high-temperature piezoelectric ceramics is important for increasing the operating temperature of sensors. In this work, high-temperature Bi2MoxW1−xO6 (BW) piezoelectric ceramics were prepared, and an all-mechanical center compression high-temperature acceleration sensor was designed and fabricated. The results show that when the doping ratio is x = 0.001, the ceramic sample has the best performance: the relative density of 92%, the piezoelectric coefficient (d33) of 15 pC·N−1, the quality factor (Qm) of 1642, the dielectric constant (ε) of 307 (1 kHz), and the dielectric loss (tanδ) of 0.33 (1 kHz). With increasing B-doped Mo6+ content, the Curie temperatures of the ceramics are 975, 966, 961, and 967 °C, and the high-temperature annealing temperatures are 975, 975, 950, and 950 °C, respectively. According to tests of temperature performance, the developed BW high-temperature sensor has a good linear response and sensitivity. At room temperature, a BW high-temperature piezoelectric sensor can be used stably within 1 kHz, and the average sensitivity is 3.259 pC·g−1. At 800 °C, this device can be used in the frequency range of 0.1–1.1 kHz, and the average sensitivity is 3.305 pC·g−1; the linearity is greater than 0.99, and the sensitivity deviation is 1.4%.

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Journal of Advanced Ceramics
Pages 1931-1942
Cite this article:
Liao Y, Liao Q, Yin Y, et al. High temperature piezoelectric properties and ultra-high temperature sensing properties of bismuth tungstate. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2024, 13(12): 1931-1942.








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Received: 14 July 2024
Revised: 23 September 2024
Accepted: 25 September 2024
Published: 28 December 2024
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