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Research Article | Open Access

Dielectric and electrical properties of Na2Pb2La2W2Ti4Ta4O30 electroceramics

Department of Physics, Institute of Technical Education & Research,Siksha 'O' Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar-751030, Odisha, India
Department of Physics, Hi-tech College Engineering, Bhubaneswar- 75102, Odisha, India
School of Physics, Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar, Burla -768019, Odisha, India
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The polycrystalline sample of complex tungsten-bronze type compound (Na2Pb2La2W2Ti4Ta4O30 ) was prepared by a high-temperature solid-state reaction technique. Room temperature preliminary structural study using X-ray diffraction (XRD) data exhibits the formation of a single-phase new compound. The SEM micrograph of the compound exhibits non uniform rectangular grains distributed throughout the sample surface. Detailed studies of dielectric parameters (εr, tan δ) as a function of temperature and frequency, and P-E hysteresis (spontaneous polarization) confirmed the existence of ferroelectricity in the material. Complex impedance spectroscopy analysis, carried out as a function of frequency at different temperatures, established a correlation between the microstructure and electrical properties of the material. The electrical relaxation process occurring in the material is temperature dependent. The activation energy found from the Arrhenius plot that the conduction process in the material is of mixed type. The nature of frequency dependence of ac conductivity suggests that the material obeys Jonscher's universal power law.


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Journal of Advanced Ceramics
Pages 232-240
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DAS PR, BEHERA S, PADHEE R, et al. Dielectric and electrical properties of Na2Pb2La2W2Ti4Ta4O30 electroceramics. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2012, 1(3): 232-240.








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Received: 23 August 2012
Accepted: 06 October 2012
Published: 11 December 2012
© The author(s) 2012