Brain Science Advances Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Yuqi Zhang
Home Brain Science Advances Notice List CFP: Special Issue on Functional Neuron and Neural Circuit for Behaviors
CFP: Special Issue on Functional Neuron and Neural Circuit for Behaviors

Human brain is composed by 10 billions of neurons. The connection and singnal flow between neurons form the functional neural circuits. The rhythmic activities from neurons or neural circuit goven specific behaviors. Thus, the best way to understand how brain functions and modulated, is to zoom into the microbrain neural circuits, to see how their connections are established, how their activities are maintained, and how the rhythms are generated elegantly. Understainding the components of presynapstic proteins, like SNARE complex proteins\Ca2+ channels\neuroligin\neurexin etc. and development process of the synapses will provide basic mechanism of neurotransmission origin. Decipering the generation patterns from different neural circuits can correlate the neuronal activity with behavior outputs. Developing novel techniques for the manipulation of neuron or neural circuit, should significantly contribute to and promote the neuroscience field. Hence, the special issue is expected to provide a collection of papers in neuronal priciples addressing microbrain functions from different model animals.

 Topics of interests include but are not limited to the following:

  • Neural circuit mechanism for behavior
  • Ion channels and receptors for neuronal activity
  • Synaptic structure and functions
  • Molecular mechanism for synapse and brain development
  • Novel techniques for neuronal activity regulation
  • Systematic reviews of neural circuit mechanisms for behaviors
  • Advanced Interdisciplinary Technique for neuron manipulation
  • Identified drugs or neuropeptides for neuronal activity modulation
  • Correlation between Neuronal activity or neural circuit with locomotion behaviors


Papers submitted to this journal for possible publication must be original and must not be under consideration for publication in any other journals. Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their completed manuscript as Special Issue paper to:


Manuscript Due: 30 Aug, 2022

Notification of Acceptance: 15 Oct, 2022

Revised Papers Submission: 31 Nov, 2022

Publication Date: 1 Dec, 2022


Shangbang Gao, Key Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics of the Ministry of Education, College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. E-mail:

Yan Zhang, National Engineering Research Center for Nanomedicine, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. E-mail: