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The journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and subscribes to its principles on how to deal with acts of misconduct thereby committing to investigate allegations of misconduct in order to ensure the integrity of research.
The journal uses plagiarism detection software to screen the submissions. If plagiarism is identified, the COPE guidelines on plagiarism will be followed.
All papers are single-blind peer reviewed. Each paper is assigned to at least three reviewers. At least two favorable reviews out of three are required for a paper to be considered for publication. The reviewers evaluate the papers according to the following criteria:
Does the paper reflect excellence of research work? Is it technically sound?
Does the paper provide a novel approach? Does it discuss new/unpublished work? Does it contain significant additional material to that already published?
Does the paper clearly communicate its message? Are tables and graphics clear to read and labelled appropriately?
How well does the content fit the Journal’s objectives and the issue’s theme? Is the paper of interest to the readership of the Journal?
Does the paper contain the appropriate referencing to provide adequate context for the present work?
Summary of evaluation
What is the global evaluation for this paper?
Overall recommendation
Is the overall recommendation for this paper to "accept" (with minor or major revisions) or to "reject"?
Reviewer familiarity
Reviewers are assigned based on their familiarity with topic of the paper.
All papers submitted for review are also scanned for plagiarism. Those papers where plagiarism is detected will not be considered for publication.
Open access statement and copyright
This publication is a peer reviewed, open access journal published with no author’s fees. All articles included in the ITU Journal are copyrighted to the ITU and TUP, and available for free on the ITU website as well as in the Tsinghua University Press online catalogue.
Upon acceptance of a paper, authors will be asked to complete and return via email a copyright transfer form duly signed.
Licensing statement and reproduction rights
Under the user license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 IGO (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 IGO), users may copy and distribute journal articles in any format. The user may do so provided appropriate credit is given, this includes but is not limited to, providing the name of the author and a link to the original published material. The user may not copy or distribute the publication for commercial use nor may the user distribute a version of the publication that has been remixed, transformed or built upon. The complete license is available at
Commercial use
Requests for commercial use and licensing beyond the terms of the Creative Commons license should be addressed to TUP (Floor 6, Tower B, Xueyan Building, Shuangqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China,
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The Journal on Intelligent and Converged Networks is a joint publication between the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and Tsinghua University Press (TUP). Both entities support the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), following and referring to the COPE guidelines within the ethics practices of this scholarly publication.
Authorship and attribution
All papers submitted to the Journal should list the names of every author, who made a significant contribution towards the research and the presentation of the academic paper. All such contributors are to be listed as authors and co-authors, in a manner determined and decided by the authors. Any changes to the list and its order should be communicated to the Journal editorial team.
The practice of adopting “gift authors”, who are individuals listed as authors despite making no significant contribution to the research, and “ghost authors”, who have contributed to the research but are not listed as co-authors, is not permitted. Where an issue of authorship, including ghost and gift authors, is suspected, these matters will be handled accordingly by the Editorial team.
All other contributors providing some assistance and support, but not deemed significant for the purposes of authorship, should be listed in the Acknowledgments section of the research paper.
Redundant publications and plagiarism
Authors are to submit original research for publication; this requires that there be no previous or concurrent publication of the same article and its findings. As such, an author may not submit his or her research to multiple journals at the same time, and instead should wait for the final decision on the paper before submitting the research to another journal. Where an author is found to have made simultaneous submissions, the paper will be automatically rejected. The author’s institution will be notified and the author will be barred from submitting papers to this journal as well to future ITU publications and TUP publications.
Authors may use works of their own that have been published previously, provided the previous article is properly cited, and differs in some way from the current study.
Authors should gain the appropriate permission prior to publication where the research paper incorporates various figures, tables and images.
Conflict of interest
This research publication relies on being an unbiased and fair resource for academic research. To this end, all contributors, authors, editors and reviewers are to disclose any potential conflict of interest that might hinder an honest and effective review and publication.
A conflict of interest may be deemed to exist where a party is unduly influenced to take action, or refrain from taking action, concerning the research, based on a personal or financial interest. A party unduly influenced may, for example, try to manipulate the research to produce a certain result, to ensure that the research receives a negative review and therefore is not published, or provide a positive review where it is not reasonable to do so.
For the author, conflicts of interest are to be disclosed when the paper is submitted to the Journal, stating fully the personal, institutional and financial interests and support which might influence the research. This will be taken into account by the editorial team. A reviewer assigned to a paper should disclose any personal, financial or intellectual interests that would render him or her unable to fulfil his or her duties fairly and without undue influence. In this case, the editor will select an alternative reviewer for that paper.
Peer review and fair editing
This publication follows a single-blind review process in which the reviewer’s name and information is withheld from the author, as stipulated in the Journal’s review policy, with reviewers carefully selected based on their expertise in the research field. Reviewers play an essential part in the publication of academic research and therefore should conduct their review as timely as possible, while using respectful and academic language in their reviews and comments, providing reasons for their statements as well as refraining from personal attacks against authors.
Fair editing and review require that manuscripts be evaluated based on their contribution to the science, and without regard to personal differences. Where a reviewer has been assigned to a manuscript, but is unable to fulfil this obligation for any reason, the reviewer is required to notify the Journal editorial team.
While reviewers may offer ideas and suggest a certain direction within the research, reviewers may not require an author to cite or refer to a certain publication as a condition for paper acceptance and thereby, publication.
Reviewers owe a duty of confidentiality in respect to the manuscripts they are assigned. They may not communicate their review comments to parties other than the Journal editorial team. Reviewers are prohibited from using the manuscripts, and their findings, for their own personal use and research, without consulting with the relevant authors. Where a reviewer is found to have appropriated an author’s work, he or she thereby breaches the duty of confidentiality.
Falsified data and manipulated images
With the widespread use of images to display scientific research data, authors should ensure that such images are not distorted from the original. It is generally not permitted to change, add or remove elements from an image, nor to obscure these elements. Minor adjustments are accepted where they are made to allow for better visibility. In this case, the Journal editorial team should be made aware of the changes, or they should be expressly noted in the paper itself.
Authors will have chance to double check symbols, formulas, and figure legends before final publication, for these may accidentally have been changed during typesetting. After final publication, substantial changes in content such as new results and corrected values are not allowed without the approval of the Editor-in-Chief. Erratum might be needed for further corrections.
The publisher is committed to the permanent availability and preservation of the published content in Intelligent and Converged Networks.
Article processing charge (APC), copyright, and advertisement policy
Intelligent and Converged Networks is a subsidized open access journal where TUP pays for the publishing costs incurred by the journal. Authors do not have to pay any Article Processing Charge or Open Access Publication. All articles included in the journal are copyrighted to the ITU and TUP. Intelligent and Converged Networks has no advertisement business, and will not post any advertisement.
Complaints and concerns
Where any of the ethical principles described above are disregarded, or are suspected to have been, complaints should be directed to TUP (Floor 6, Tower B, Xueyan Building, Shuangqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China,