Capillarity Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Jianchao Cai
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  • Capillarity publishes high-quality original research articles and current reviews on fundamental scientific principles and innovations of capillarity in physics, chemistry, biology, environmental science and related emerging fields. All advances in theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches to capillarity in capillary tube and interface dominated structure and system area are welcome.

    The following topics are within (but not limited to) the scope of capillarity:

      • Capillary-driven phenomenon in natural/artificial tubes, porous and nanoporous materials
      • Fundamental mechanisms of capillarity aided by theory and experiments
      • Spontaneous imbibition, adsorption, wicking and related applications of capillarity in hydrocarbon production, chemical process and biological sciences
      • Static and dynamic interfacial processes, surfactants, wettability, film and colloids
      • New approaches and technologies on capillarity

    Capillarity is a monthly open access journal and free to read for all. The journal provides a communicate platform for researchers who are interested in all fields of capillary phenomenon.

    All submitted manuscripts will be blind reviewed and the accepted papers are published quarterly from 2018 to 2021. In 2022, the accepted papers are published bimonthly. In 2023, the accepted papers are published monthly, where it remains today.


    View Aims and Scope

  • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Jianchao Cai

    View Editorial Board

  • 7.1

    CiteScore (2023)