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Until now, some reversible data hiding in encrypted images (RDH-EI) schemes based on secret sharing (SIS-RDHEI) still have the problems of not realizing diffusivity and high embedding capacity. Therefore, this paper innovatively proposes a high capacity RDH-EI scheme that combines adaptive most significant bit (MSB) prediction with secret sharing technology. Firstly, adaptive MSB prediction is performed on the original image and cryptographic feedback secret sharing strategy encrypts the spliced pixels to spare embedding space. In the data hiding phase, each encrypted image is sent to a data hider to embed the secret information independently. When r copies of the image carrying the secret text are collected, the original image can be recovered lossless and the secret information can be extracted. Performance evaluation shows that the proposed method in this paper has the diffusivity, reversibility, and separability. The last but the most important, it has higher embedding capacity. For 512 × 512 grayscale images, the average embedding rate reaches 4.7358 bits per pixel (bpp). Compared to the average embedding rate that can be achieved by the Wang et al.’s SIS-RDHEI scheme, the proposed scheme with (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4), and (3, 5)-threshold can increase by 0.7358 bpp, 2.0658 bpp, 2.7358 bpp, 0.7358 bpp, and 1.5358 bpp, respectively.
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