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Case Study | Open Access

The Development Path and Empowerment of Work Integration Social Enterprises: A comparative analysis of three cases in Taipei

Nan Zheng1Meng Lv1Chia-Yi Chuang2
Jilin University School of Philosophy and Sociology
Department of Social Work, College of Social Science, Tunghai University
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The Paper applies multi-governance theory to analyze three paths explored by WISEs in Taipei to empower disabled persons. Three levels of empowerment have been achieved—individual empowerment, social empowerment, and political empowerment—with varied consequences for realizing the social mission of the relevant enterprises. All three enterprises adopted supported employment as a tool for empowering the disabled. One outcome of the study is the conclusion that when the enterprise has low dependence on government resources, and high integration within the supporting foundation, the level of political empowerment is high. The finding implies that high levels of financial commitment by the government are unnecessary to this process. Rather, it is the formulation of effective government policies that have supported the mission of WISEs by creating a favorable social and market environment.


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Article number: 5
Cite this article:
Zheng N, Lv M, Chuang C-Y. The Development Path and Empowerment of Work Integration Social Enterprises: A comparative analysis of three cases in Taipei. THE CHINA NONPROFIT REVIEW, 2022, 14(1): 5.








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Published: 31 December 2022
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