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Mediating Role of Organizational Identification in the Impact of Mindfulness on Job Performance: Evidence from Non-profit Organizations in China

Qian Wang1Chien-Chung Huang2Guosheng Deng1
School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
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A growing body of empirical evidence supports the positive impact of mindfulness on performance in the workplace. However, the specific mechanisms by which mindfulness affects contextual and task performances remain to be investigated. This study examines such effects in a dynamic context as well as the mediating role of organizational identification in this relation. The study tests the mediating effect using the bootstrap method based on survey data from 233 non-profit organizations (NPOs) employees in China. As hypothesized, mindfulness positively promotes contextual and task performances, while organizational identification mediates the effect of mindfulness on the performances. The theoretical implications of this study, its significance to management practice, and follow-up research are discussed.



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Wang Q, Huang C-C, Deng G. Mediating Role of Organizational Identification in the Impact of Mindfulness on Job Performance: Evidence from Non-profit Organizations in China. THE CHINA NONPROFIT REVIEW, 2022, 14(1): 3.








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Published: 31 December 2022
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