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An Emerging Way of Giving? Giving Circles in China

Xijin Jia1Guiquan Cai1Qiyuan Tong2Bona Zhang3Ting Feng3
IPTU, SPPM, Tsinghua University
Tsinghua University
Shanghai United Foundation
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Giving circles, as new ventures in philanthropy, have grown globally and attracted research attention in recent decades. The concept is very new, with little research done in China. This study takes the giving circles hosted at the Shanghai United Foundation, the first batch of and currently the largest hosting agency for China's giving circles, as the research object. This article attempts to explore two aspects of the questions: the characteristics of China's giving circles in international comparison; and the motivations of these giving circles and their effects. Quantitative research is used as well as in-depth interviews. The study found that trust is the primary motivation in China's giving circles, which is different from the international pattern of " doing philanthropy differently". Furthermore, trust motivation has positive effects on philanthropic engagement and then affects public participation. The development boundaries and constraints of giving circles in China are also discussed. This paper is an initial study of China's emerging giving circles, and further follow-up exploration is suggested in the next stage.


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Article number: 2
Cite this article:
Jia X, Cai G, Tong Q, et al. An Emerging Way of Giving? Giving Circles in China. THE CHINA NONPROFIT REVIEW, 2022, 14(1): 2.








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Published: 31 December 2022
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