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This review provides an in-depth exploration of low-damage sputtering techniques and their importance in synthesizing high-quality epitaxial multifunctional oxide heterostructures. This review examines the factors contributing to damages during sputtering and introduces strategies for minimizing these detrimental effects. Prominent examples are provided to illustrate key milestones in the development of the sputtering technique, addressing critical issues such as maintaining stoichiometry when volatile species are included, achieving precise atomic-level control of interfaces, integrating an additional anion into oxides, selecting a particular phase from many possible polymorphs, and controlling the microstructure of thin films. Additionally, various defect mitigation strategies are discussed, including the use of miscut substrates, in-situ monitoring systems, and chemical buffer layers. By shedding light on the advancements and limitations in sputtering, this review not only enhances our present understanding of thin film deposition but also paves the way for future innovative sputtering techniques, holding tremendous potential for the exploration of new materials and their applications in various industries.
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