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Research Article | Open Access | Online First

Slippery liquid-infused surface with micro/nano hierarchical structures: Highly efficient fog harvesting

Shiping He1Ye Fu1Wenhao Zhang1Zhiguang Guo1,2( )Weimin Liu2
Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for the Green Preparation and Application of Functional Materials, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China
State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
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The lack of freshwater resources is a global problem. Fast and efficient water capture from fog is a good solution for many organisms living in arid regions. Compared with superhydrophobic surfaces, slippery liquid-filled porous surfaces (SLIPS) exhibit excellent droplet transport and shedding properties with very low sliding angles (SAs). It is not easy to produce a water film which can effectively improve the efficiency of fog collection. The shape and size of the micro/nanostructure are flexibly adjusted by laser etching, the nanowires on the micron-scale pillars and groove structure are uniformly covered by ammonia etching, and silicone oil is injected by spin-coating to obtain a slippery liquid-infused surface with a micro/nanostructure. Under the synergistic effect of our constructed micro/nanostructure, the superhydrophobic surface injected with lubricant exhibited efficient droplet capture, aggregation, and removal properties, which greatly improved the fog collection efficiency (107% higher than that of the original sample). More importantly, the surface has excellent stability, ice resistance, and acid/alkali resistance and is expected to be used in various extreme adjustments.

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Cite this article:
He S, Fu Y, Zhang W, et al. Slippery liquid-infused surface with micro/nano hierarchical structures: Highly efficient fog harvesting. Friction, 2025,








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Received: 12 April 2023
Revised: 14 June 2023
Accepted: 03 October 2023
Published: 21 January 2025
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