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Research Article | Open Access

High amplitude high frequency oscillations during posttraumatic epileptogenesis

Department of Neurology, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles 90024, California, U.S.A.
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The aim of the present study was to investigate if high amplitude high frequency oscillations (haHFOs) could be a biomarker of posttraumatic epileptogenesis.


After an initial craniotomy of rats and inducement of traumatic brain injury (TBI) through a fluid percussion, recording microelectrodes were implanted bilaterally in different brain areas. Wideband brain electrical activity was recorded intermittently from Day 1 of TBI and continued till week 21. HaHFO analysis was performed during the first 4 weeks to investigate whether the occurrence of this brain activity predicted development of epilepsy or not.


Of the 21 rats which received the TBI, 9 became epileptic (E+) and 12 did not (E−). HaHFOs were observed in the prefrontal and perilesional cortices, hippocampus, and striatum in both E+ and E− group. In comparison to the rats in E−, the E+ group showed a significant increase in the rate of haHFO from weeks 1 to 4 after TBI.


The results indicate that an increase in the rate of haHFOs after TBI could be an electroencephalographic biomarker of posttraumatic epileptogenesis.


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Brain Science Advances
Pages 275-282
Cite this article:
Rangarajan J, Kumar U. High amplitude high frequency oscillations during posttraumatic epileptogenesis. Brain Science Advances, 2023, 9(4): 275-282.








Received: 27 September 2022
Revised: 05 December 2022
Accepted: 03 January 2023
Published: 05 December 2023
© The authors 2023.

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