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Survey on Collaborative Task Assignment for Heterogeneous UAVs Based on Artificial Intelligence Methods

Mengzhen Li1Na Li2Xiaoyu Shao1Jiahe Wang1Dachuan Xu1( )
Department of Operations Research and Information Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
Beijing Jinghang Research Institute of Computing and Communication, Beijing 100074, China
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Heterogeneous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarms have garnered significant attention from researchers worldwide due to their remarkable flexibility, diverse mission capabilities, and wide-ranging potential applications. Mission planning stands at the core of UAV swarm operations, requiring consideration of various factors including mission environment, requirements, and inherent characteristics. In this paper, we investigate the model of the cooperative tasking problem in heterogeneous UAV swarms. We provide a comprehensive review of artificial intelligence algorithms applied in UAV swarm mission planning, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses in multi-UAV cooperative environments. By discussing these key techniques and their practical applications, the article highlights future research trends and challenges. This review serves as a valuable reference for understanding the current state of AI algorithm applications in heterogeneous UAV swarm task assignments.



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CAAI Artificial Intelligence Research
Article number: 9150033
Cite this article:
Li M, Li N, Shao X, et al. Survey on Collaborative Task Assignment for Heterogeneous UAVs Based on Artificial Intelligence Methods. CAAI Artificial Intelligence Research, 2024, 3: 9150033.
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Received: 31 October 2023
Revised: 22 January 2024
Accepted: 22 February 2024
Published: 08 May 2024
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