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Cerebellar ataxia is a complex motor impairment arising from neurologic disease. The dysfunction significantly impairs quality of movement, equilibrium, and gait. In this study, we evaluated motor function in 20 patients with acquired or degenerative ataxia undergoing rehabilitation using a program developed at the International Center for Restorative Neurology in Havana. All patients were evaluated before and 28 and 42 days after treatment using the International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (ICARS) and measurement of maximal strength. Analysis of variance demonstrated a significant reduction in ICARS score, indicating reduction in the severity of ataxia. A highly significant correlation was found between change in ICARS score and increase in lower limb strength. The program developed at the International Center for Restorative Neurology in Havana for rehabilitation of ataxia was shown to be effective for ameliorating motor impairment in patients with ataxia, independent of its etiology.

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Motor improvement in cerebellar ataxia after integral rehabilitation

Show Author's information Jorge L Jorge-Rodríguez1Elizabeth Fernández-Martínez1Daymi Rodríguez Pérez1Antonio Peralta-Flores2Jorge A Bergado1( )
International Center for Neurological Restoration,
University for Sport Science and Physical Culture, Havana, Cuba


Cerebellar ataxia is a complex motor impairment arising from neurologic disease. The dysfunction significantly impairs quality of movement, equilibrium, and gait. In this study, we evaluated motor function in 20 patients with acquired or degenerative ataxia undergoing rehabilitation using a program developed at the International Center for Restorative Neurology in Havana. All patients were evaluated before and 28 and 42 days after treatment using the International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (ICARS) and measurement of maximal strength. Analysis of variance demonstrated a significant reduction in ICARS score, indicating reduction in the severity of ataxia. A highly significant correlation was found between change in ICARS score and increase in lower limb strength. The program developed at the International Center for Restorative Neurology in Havana for rehabilitation of ataxia was shown to be effective for ameliorating motor impairment in patients with ataxia, independent of its etiology.

Keywords: ataxia, plasticity, rehabilitation, strength, motor recovery


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Published: 02 October 2013
Issue date: December 2013


© 2013 The Author(s).

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