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Excessive alcohol consumption (≥15 drinks per week) causes chronic diseases and multiple other health conditions. Nevertheless, alcohol beverages have been used as a vital medicine ingredient in various cultures since ancient times. A wealth of epidemiological and experimental research has shown that light-moderate alcohol consumption, regardless of beverage type, is associated with reducing cardiovascular incidence and mortality rate. Due to the disparities in raw materials, fermentation techniques, production environment, etc., alcoholic beverages tend to possess different non-ethanol component profiles, thus resulting in varying degrees of health effects. Furthermore, bioactive compounds in alcohol are continuously discovered as well as the mechanisms underlying their cardioprotective contributions at a molecular level. This article elucidates the epidemiology of moderate alcohol consumption and various cardiovascular conditions, along with the limitations and controversies of current studies. In addition, protective effects and putative mechanisms of both ethanol and non-ethanol components of wine, beer, and Chinese Baijiu, the three most representative alcoholic beverages worldwide, are to be evaluated within the context of a rational drinking pattern.

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Wine, beer and Chinese Baijiu in relation to cardiovascular health: the impact of moderate drinking

Show Author's information Qiao Kanga,bJinyuan Suna,b( )Bowen Wanga,bBaoguo Suna,b( )
Beijing Laboratory for Food Quality and Safety, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China
Key Laboratory of Brewing Molecular Engineering of China Light Industry, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China

Peer review under responsibility of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.


Excessive alcohol consumption (≥15 drinks per week) causes chronic diseases and multiple other health conditions. Nevertheless, alcohol beverages have been used as a vital medicine ingredient in various cultures since ancient times. A wealth of epidemiological and experimental research has shown that light-moderate alcohol consumption, regardless of beverage type, is associated with reducing cardiovascular incidence and mortality rate. Due to the disparities in raw materials, fermentation techniques, production environment, etc., alcoholic beverages tend to possess different non-ethanol component profiles, thus resulting in varying degrees of health effects. Furthermore, bioactive compounds in alcohol are continuously discovered as well as the mechanisms underlying their cardioprotective contributions at a molecular level. This article elucidates the epidemiology of moderate alcohol consumption and various cardiovascular conditions, along with the limitations and controversies of current studies. In addition, protective effects and putative mechanisms of both ethanol and non-ethanol components of wine, beer, and Chinese Baijiu, the three most representative alcoholic beverages worldwide, are to be evaluated within the context of a rational drinking pattern.

Keywords: Wine, Cardiovascular disease, Alcohol, Distilled spirits, Beer, Chines Baijiu


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Publication history
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Publication history

Received: 08 October 2021
Revised: 18 November 2021
Accepted: 13 December 2021
Published: 09 August 2022
Issue date: January 2023


© 2023 Beijing Academy of Food Sciences. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of P.R. China (No.31972193) and the Science and Technology Program of Tibet Autonomous Region, China (XZ202001ZY0017N).

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