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Recent studies have revealed concerning declines in bird populations in Europe and other parts of the world. In understudied but biodiverse regions, especially those that are located along key migratory flyways, there is an unmet need to evaluate the status of resident and migratory birdlife for avian conservation ecology. This is especially urgent at a time when recent regional studies have highlighted the scale of the decline of the European and Palearctic avifauna. Rapidly growing community science datasets may help bridge the gaps in our understanding of long-term regional avifaunal trends. In this study, we used eBird data submitted by observers in Türkiye to undertake the first long-term assessment of the state of the country’s birds from 2001 to 2022. We evaluated population trends based on presence-absence data of species to determine if any birds have significantly increased or decreased in the country so far this century. We provide a list of trends for 418 bird species that had large enough sample sizes of eBird observations from Türkiye, and highlight which species have significantly declined or increased. We found that 63 species have significantly declined in detection while 120 have significantly increased during the study period. Our findings provide a baseline for the future monitoring of Türkiye’s birds and help contextualize population changes of birds in Türkiye against those occurring at the continental (Palearctic) scale. Additionally, we include movement classifications for all of the bird species in this study. We also provide a framework to effectively use eBird data to assess long-term avifaunal changes at the country-level in other understudied regions. Finally, we highlight ways in which eBirders in Türkiye and elsewhere can strengthen the quality and value of community ornithology data for population assessments and avian conservation ecology.

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The value of community science data to analyze long-term avian trends in understudied regions: The state of birds in Türkiye

Show Author's information Kyle D. Kittelbergera( )Colby J. TanneraNikolas D. OrtonaÇağan Hakkı Şekercioğlua,b,c
School of Biological Sciences, University of Utah, 257 S 1400 E, Salt Lake City, UT, 84112, USA
Koç University, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Istanbul, Türkiye
KuzeyDoğa Derneği, Istasyon Mahallesi, Ismail Aytemiz Caddesi, 36200 Kars, Türkiye


Recent studies have revealed concerning declines in bird populations in Europe and other parts of the world. In understudied but biodiverse regions, especially those that are located along key migratory flyways, there is an unmet need to evaluate the status of resident and migratory birdlife for avian conservation ecology. This is especially urgent at a time when recent regional studies have highlighted the scale of the decline of the European and Palearctic avifauna. Rapidly growing community science datasets may help bridge the gaps in our understanding of long-term regional avifaunal trends. In this study, we used eBird data submitted by observers in Türkiye to undertake the first long-term assessment of the state of the country’s birds from 2001 to 2022. We evaluated population trends based on presence-absence data of species to determine if any birds have significantly increased or decreased in the country so far this century. We provide a list of trends for 418 bird species that had large enough sample sizes of eBird observations from Türkiye, and highlight which species have significantly declined or increased. We found that 63 species have significantly declined in detection while 120 have significantly increased during the study period. Our findings provide a baseline for the future monitoring of Türkiye’s birds and help contextualize population changes of birds in Türkiye against those occurring at the continental (Palearctic) scale. Additionally, we include movement classifications for all of the bird species in this study. We also provide a framework to effectively use eBird data to assess long-term avifaunal changes at the country-level in other understudied regions. Finally, we highlight ways in which eBirders in Türkiye and elsewhere can strengthen the quality and value of community ornithology data for population assessments and avian conservation ecology.

Keywords: Citizen science, Bird conservation, Avian ecology, Movement, Presence-absence, Middle east, Palearctic, Threat status


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Publication history
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Publication history

Received: 05 October 2022
Revised: 23 September 2023
Accepted: 25 September 2023
Published: 18 October 2023
Issue date: December 2023


© 2023 The Authors.



We thank Montague H.C. Neate-Clegg for his assistance with some of the ideas utilized in this study, as well as helping with some early data exploration. We also thank Reily S. Shields for her assistance with an early version of this manuscript. We thank Frederick R. Adler for feedback on the statistical component of this study. We are grateful to H. Batubay Özkan and Barbara Watkins for their support of the Biodiversity and Conservation Ecology Lab at the University of Utah School of Biological Sciences.

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