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Quantitative Estimates on the Singular Sets of Alexandrov Spaces

Department of Mathematics, The City University of New York, NYC College of Technology, 300 Jay St., Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA
Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University, 2033 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, IL 60208-2370, USA
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Let XAlexn(1) be an n-dimensional Alexandrov space with curvature 1. Let the r-scale (k,ϵ)-singular set Sϵ,rk(X) be the collection of xX so that Br(x) is not ϵr-close to a ball in any splitting space Rk+1×Z. We show that there exists C(n,ϵ)>0 and β(n,ϵ)>0, independent of the volume, so that for any disjoint collection {Bri(xi):xiSϵ,βrik(X)B1,ri1}, the packing estimate rikC holds. Consequently, we obtain the Hausdorff measure estimates Hk(Sϵk(X)B1)C and Hn(Br(Sϵ,rk(X))B1(p))Crnk. This answers an open question in Kapovitch et al. (Metric-measure boundary and geodesic flow on Alexandrov spaces. arXiv: 1705.04767 (2017)). We also show that the k-singular set Sk(X)=ϵ>0(r>0Sϵ,rk) is k-rectifiable and construct examples to show that such a structure is sharp. For instance, in the k=1 case we can build for any closed set TS1 and ϵ>0 a space YAlex3(0) with Sϵ1(Y)=ϕ(T), where ϕ:S1Y is a bi-Lipschitz embedding. Taking T to be a Cantor set it gives rise to an example where the singular set is a 1-rectifiable, 1-Cantor set with positive 1-Hausdorff measure.


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Peking Mathematical Journal
Pages 203-234
Cite this article:
Li, N., Naber, A. Quantitative Estimates on the Singular Sets of Alexandrov Spaces. Peking Math J 3, 203-234 (2020).






Received: 13 December 2019
Revised: 20 June 2020
Accepted: 07 July 2020
Published: 05 October 2020
© Peking University 2020