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X-ray CT scanners, due to the transmissive nature of X-rays, have enabled the non-destructive evaluation of industrial products, even inside their bodies. In light of its effectiveness, this study intro-duces a new approach to accelerate the inspection of many mechanical parts with the same shape in a bin. The input to this problem is a volumetric image (i.e., CT volume) of many parts obtained by a single CT scan. We need to segment the parts in the volume to inspect each of them; however, random postures and dense contacts of the parts prohibit part segmentation using traditional template matching. To address this problem, we convert both the scanned volumetric images of the template and the binned parts to simpler graph structures and solve a subgraph matching problem to segment the parts. We perform a distance transform to convert the CT volume into a distance field. Then, we construct a graph based on Morse theory, in which graph nodes are located at the extremum points of the distance field. The experimental evaluation demonstrates that our fully automatic approach can detect target parts appropriately, even for a heap of 50 parts. Moreover, the overall com-putation can be performed in approximately 30 min for a large CT volume of approximately 2000×2000×1000 voxels.

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Bin-scanning: Segmentation of X-ray CT volume of binned parts using Morse skeleton graph of distance transform

Show Author's information Yuta Yamauchi1Tatsuya Yatagawa1Yutaka Ohtake1Hiromasa Suzuki1( )
School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 7–3–1,Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan


X-ray CT scanners, due to the transmissive nature of X-rays, have enabled the non-destructive evaluation of industrial products, even inside their bodies. In light of its effectiveness, this study intro-duces a new approach to accelerate the inspection of many mechanical parts with the same shape in a bin. The input to this problem is a volumetric image (i.e., CT volume) of many parts obtained by a single CT scan. We need to segment the parts in the volume to inspect each of them; however, random postures and dense contacts of the parts prohibit part segmentation using traditional template matching. To address this problem, we convert both the scanned volumetric images of the template and the binned parts to simpler graph structures and solve a subgraph matching problem to segment the parts. We perform a distance transform to convert the CT volume into a distance field. Then, we construct a graph based on Morse theory, in which graph nodes are located at the extremum points of the distance field. The experimental evaluation demonstrates that our fully automatic approach can detect target parts appropriately, even for a heap of 50 parts. Moreover, the overall com-putation can be performed in approximately 30 min for a large CT volume of approximately 2000×2000×1000 voxels.

Keywords: X-ray computed tomography (CT), volume segmentation, graph matching, non-destructive inspection


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Publication history

Received: 16 March 2022
Accepted: 28 May 2022
Published: 03 January 2023
Issue date: June 2023


© The Author(s) 2022.


We thank Dr. Katsuaki Kawachi for conducting the rigid body simulations of teapots. We also thank Dr. Takashi Michikawa at RIKEN for helpful discussions on distance transformation.

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