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Research Article | Open Access

Effect of interaction between cementite and pearlite on two-body abrasive wear behaviors in white cast iron

Baochao ZHENG1( )Wei LI1Xiaohui TU1Jiandong XING2Suocheng SONG2
Institute of Advanced Wear & Corrosion Resistant and Functional Materials, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China
State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
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The wear interaction of cementite and pearlite in the white cast iron (WCI) was investigated using the two-body abrasive wear test under contact loads of 20, 35, and 50 N. The wear behavior, wear surface morphology, sub-surface structure, and wear resistance were evaluated using X-ray diffraction, microhardness testing, and nano-indentation. The results indicated that when the Cr content was increased from 0 to 4 wt%, there was a significant increase in the microhardness (H) and elasticity modulus (E) of the cementite. This yielded a 15.91%- and 23.6%-reduction in the degree of wear resistance and surface roughness, respectively. Moreover, no spalling and breaking of cementite was observed with increasing Cr content during the wear process, indicating improved wear resistance of the bulk cementite. In addition, the hard phase (cementite) and tough matrix (pearlite) composite structure exhibited a good protective and supporting effect. Thus, it was concluded that the interaction mechanism of the wear phase contributed to the reduction of the wear weight loss of the composite during the wear process. The contribution of the interaction between the hard wear-resistant phase and the tough phase in WCI to the wear resistance decreased with increasing hardness of the pearlite matrix.


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Pages 1378-1389
Cite this article:
ZHENG B, LI W, TU X, et al. Effect of interaction between cementite and pearlite on two-body abrasive wear behaviors in white cast iron. Friction, 2021, 9(6): 1378-1389.








Web of Science






Received: 05 March 2020
Revised: 11 May 2020
Accepted: 05 June 2020
Published: 13 November 2020
© The author(s) 2020

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