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Research Article | Open Access

Influence of binder systems on sintering characteristics, microstructures, and mechanical properties of PcBN composites fabricated by SPS

Shuna CHENa,bHengzhong FANaYunfeng SUa( )Wensheng LIcJicheng LIa,bBing YANcJunjie SONGaLitian HUaYongsheng ZHANGa( )
State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China
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Cubic boron nitride (cBN) with high hardness, thermal conductivity, wear resistance, and chemical inertness has become the most promising abrasive and machining material. Due to the difficulty of fabricating pure cBN body, generally, some binders are incorporated among cBN particles to prepare polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PcBN). Hence, the binders play a critical factor to the performances of PcBN composites. In this study, the PcBN composites with three binder systems containing ceramic and metal phases were fabricated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) from 1400 to 1700 ℃. The sintering behaviors and mechanical properties of the composites were investigated. Results show that the effect of binder formulas on mechanical properties mainly related to the compactness, mechanical performances, and thermal expansion coefficient of binder phases, which affect the carrying capacity of the composites and the bonding strength between binder phases and cBN particles. The PcBN composite with SiAlON phase as binder presented optimal flexural strength (465±29 MPa) and fracture toughness (5.62±0.37 MPa·m1/2), attributing to the synergistic effect similar to transgranular and intergranular fractures. Meanwhile, the excellent mechanical properties can be maintained a comparable level when the temperature even rises to 800 ℃. Due to the weak bonding strength and high porosity, the PcBN composites with Al2O3-ZrO2(3Y) and Al-Ti binder systems exhibited inferior mechanical properties. The possible mechanisms to explain these results were also analyzed.


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Journal of Advanced Ceramics
Pages 321-330
Cite this article:
CHEN S, FAN H, SU Y, et al. Influence of binder systems on sintering characteristics, microstructures, and mechanical properties of PcBN composites fabricated by SPS. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2022, 11(2): 321-330.








Web of Science






Received: 28 May 2021
Revised: 25 August 2021
Accepted: 11 September 2021
Published: 11 January 2022
© The Author(s) 2021.

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