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Research Article | Open Access

High performance of La-doped Y2O3 transparent ceramics

Lei ZHANGa,b( )Jun YANGb,cHongyu YUaWei PANc( )
Shenzhen Institute of Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors and Engineering Research Center of Integrated Circuits for Next-Generation Communications of Ministry of Education, School of Microelectronics, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China
State Key Laboratory of New Ceramics and Fine Processing, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Department of General Education, Army Engineering University of PLA, Nanjing 211101, China
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As an optical material, Y2O3 transparent ceramics are desirable for application as laser host materials. However, it is difficult to sinter and dense of Y2O3 hinders the preparation of high-quality optical ceramics via traditional processes. In this work, we use La2O3 as a sintering aid for fabricating high-transparency Y2O3 ceramics using a vacuum sintering process. It is demonstrated that the in-line optical transmittance of 15.0 at% La-doped Y2O3 at a wavelength of 1100 nm achieves a transmittance of 81.2%. A sintering kinetics analysis reveals that a grain-boundary-diffusion-controlled mechanism dominates the faster densification at high La3+ concentrations. It is also shown that both the mechanical and thermal properties of Y2O3 transparent ceramics are significantly improved upon the increase of La2O3 sintering additives. The results indicate that a La-doped Y2O3 transparent ceramic is a promising candidate for a laser host material.


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Journal of Advanced Ceramics
Pages 493-502
Cite this article:
ZHANG L, YANG J, YU H, et al. High performance of La-doped Y2O3 transparent ceramics. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2020, 9(4): 493-502.








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Received: 18 February 2020
Revised: 07 May 2020
Accepted: 25 May 2020
Published: 18 June 2020
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