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Research Article | Open Access

Chrysanthemum-like high-entropy diboride nanoflowers: A new class of high-entropy nanomaterials

Da LIUHonghua LIUShanshan NINGYanhui CHU( )
School of Materials Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China
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High-entropy nanomaterials have been arousing considerable interest in recent years due to their huge composition space, unique microstructure, and adjustable properties. Previous studies focused mainly on high-entropy nanoparticles, while other high-entropy nanomaterials were rarely reported. Herein, we reported a new class of high-entropy nanomaterials, namely (Ta0.2Nb0.2Ti0.2W0.2Mo0.2)B2 high-entropy diboride (HEB-1) nanoflowers, for the first time. Formation possibility of HEB-1 was first theoretically analyzed from two aspects of lattice size difference and chemical reaction thermodynamics. We then successfully synthesized HEB-1 nanoflowers by a facile molten salt synthesis method at 1423 K. The as-synthesized HEB-1 nanoflowers showed an interesting chrysanthemum-like morphology assembled from numerous well-aligned nanorods with diameters of 20-30 nm and lengths of 100-200 nm. Meanwhile, these nanorods possessed a single-crystalline hexagonal structure of metal diborides and highly compositional uniformity from nanoscale to microscale. In addition, the formation of the as-synthesized HEB-1 nanoflowers could be well interpreted by a classical surface-controlled crystal growth theory. This work not only enriches the categories of high-entropy nanomaterials but also opens up a new research field on high-entropy diboride nanomaterials.


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Journal of Advanced Ceramics
Pages 339-348
Cite this article:
LIU D, LIU H, NING S, et al. Chrysanthemum-like high-entropy diboride nanoflowers: A new class of high-entropy nanomaterials. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2020, 9(3): 339-348.








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Received: 26 February 2020
Accepted: 08 March 2020
Published: 05 June 2020
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