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Review Article

Selective oxidation of emerging organic contaminants in heterogeneous Fenton-like systems

Sheng WangYuxin LuShangkun PeiXiang Li( )Bo Wang( )
Key Laboratory of Cluster Science Ministry of Education, Beijing Key Laboratory of Photoelectronic/Electrophotonic Conversion Materials, Advanced Technologies Research Institute (Jinan), Advanced Research Institute of Multidisciplinary Science, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
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The typical oxidation mechanism during the selective decomposition of emerging organic contaminants was systematically summarized including the selective generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in photo/electron-Fenton and Fenton-like systems etc. by various pathways.


Heterogeneous Fenton-like reaction shows great potential for eliminating organic substances (e.g. emerging organic contaminants (EOCs)) in water, which has been widely explored in recent decades. However, the catalytic mechanisms reported in current studies are extremely complicated because multiple mechanisms coexist and contribute to the removal efficiencies. Most importantly, heterogeneous systems show selective oxidation properties, which are crucial for improving the efficiencies in the catalytic elimination of organic substances. Thus, this critical review summarizes and compares the diverse existing mechanisms (non-radical and radical pathways) in heterogeneous catalytic processes based on recent studies. The typical oxidation mechanisms during selective advanced oxidation of EOCs were systematically discussed based on the following sections, including the selective adsorption and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in photo/electron-Fenton and Fenton-like systems. Moreover, the non-radical pathways are discussed in depth by the singlet oxygen, high-valent metal-oxo, electron transfer process, etc. Moreover, the direct oxidative transfer process for the removal of EOCs was introduced in recent studies. Finally, the cost, feasibility as well as the sustainability of heterogeneous Fenton-like catalysts are summarized. This review offers useful guidance for developing suitable strategies to develop materials for decomposing the organic substrates.



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Nano Research
Pages 9300-9325
Cite this article:
Wang S, Lu Y, Pei S, et al. Selective oxidation of emerging organic contaminants in heterogeneous Fenton-like systems. Nano Research, 2024, 17(11): 9300-9325.






Web of Science






Received: 28 May 2024
Revised: 08 July 2024
Accepted: 09 July 2024
Published: 06 August 2024
© Tsinghua University Press 2024