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Triboelectric nanogenerator integrated with a simple controlled switch for regularized water wave energy harvesting

Hongbo Yang1,2,§Xi Liang2,3,§Junwu Kan1Zhong Lin Wang2,4,5,6( )Tao Jiang2,4( )Zhanyong Hong2,4( )
College of Engineering, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, China
Beijing Key Laboratory of Micro-Nano Energy and Sensor, Center for High-Entropy Energy and Systems, Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 101400, China
The Beijing Key Laboratory for Nano-Photonics and Nano-Structure, Department of Physics, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China
Guangzhou Institute of Blue Energy, Guangzhou 510555, China
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0245, USA
Yonsei Frontier Lab, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea

§ Hongbo Yang and Xi Liang contributed equally to this work.

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Graphical Abstract

A mechanical controlled triboelectric nanogenerator (MC-TENG) with a simple structure was designed and fabricated for regularized water wave energy harvesting, which delivers the maximum peak power density of 38.46 W·m−3·Hz−1 and the average power density of 7.24 W·m−3·Hz−1 in actual water waves, exceeding those of most existing water wave-driven TENG devices. More importantly, the outputs of the MC-TENG are regularized and keep stable regardless of any wave conditions, which is easily achieved through the special fabricated mechanical structure.


Ocean is full of low-frequency, irregular, and widely distributed wave energy, which is suitable as the energy source for maritime Internet of Things (IoTs). Utilizing triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) to harvest ocean wave energy and power sensors is proven to be an effective scheme. However, in random ocean waves, the irregular electrical energy output by general TENGs restricts the applications. At present, achieving regularized water wave energy harvesting relies on rather complex mechanical structure designs, which is not conducive to industrialization. In this work, we proposed a novel mechanical controlled TENG (MC-TENG) with a simple controlled switch to realize the regularization function. The structural parameters of the MC-TENG are optimized, and the optimal output voltage, output current, and transferred charge respectively reach 1684.2 V, 85.4 μA, and 389.9 nC, generating a peak power density of 38.46 W·m−3·Hz−1. Under real water wave environment, the output of the MC-TENG is regularized and keeps stable regardless of any wave conditions. Moreover, the potential applications of the MC-TENG are demonstrated in powering environmental temperature, humidity, and wind speed sensors. This work renders a simple approach to achieve effective regularized ocean wave energy harvesting, promoting the TENG industrialization toward practical application of maritime IoTs.

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Nano Research
Pages 7585-7592
Cite this article:
Yang H, Liang X, Kan J, et al. Triboelectric nanogenerator integrated with a simple controlled switch for regularized water wave energy harvesting. Nano Research, 2024, 17(8): 7585-7592.






Web of Science






Received: 16 February 2024
Revised: 24 March 2024
Accepted: 02 April 2024
Published: 27 April 2024
© Tsinghua University Press 2024