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Nature has provided us the assurance and inspiration for thousands of years in synthesizing value-added chemicals, with the assistance of reactive hydrogen species, and water as the ultimate hydrogen source. However, the natural photosynthesis is inefficient due to some intrinsic properties, urging people not only to learn from but also surpass during nature imitation. In this review, we summarized recent progresses on reactive hydrogen species-assisted nanocatalytic reduction of organic molecules towards value-added fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals, with water as the hydrogen source, and especially highlighted how photocatalytically or electrocatalytically evolved reactive hydrogen species synergize with biocatalytic centers and nanocatalytic sites for reduction of organic molecules. The design principles of collaborative semi-artificial systems and nanocatalytic artificial systems, the structure tuning of catalysts for the evolution and utilization of hydrogen species, and the determination of reactive hydrogen species for mechanistic insights were discussed in detail. Finally, perspectives were provided for further advancing this emerging area of nanocatalytic reduction of organic molecules from water (or proton) and organics.
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