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Bi is a promising anode material for potassium-ion batteries (PIBs) due to its high theoretical capacity. However, severe pulverization upon cycling limits its practical applications. In this work, we propose a new approach of using metastable alloys with Bi elements. Metastable Bi:Co and Bi:Fe alloys nanodots@carbon anode materials (Bi:Co and Bi:Fe@C) are synthesized for the first time via simple annealing of their metal-organic frameworks (MOF) precursors. These prepared materials are demonstrated as ideal hosts for high-rate K-ion storage. Bi0.85Co0.15@C and Bi0.83Fe0.17@C electrodes respectively deliver superior 178 and 253 mAh·g−1 at 20 A·g−1, as well as stable cycling performance at 2 A·g−1. Ex situ scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies on Bi:Co@C indicate that the elemental Co separates out during the initial potassiation and stands during the following discharge/charge cycles. In situ formed Co precipitates can act as (1) “conductive binders” as well as (2) “separators” to prevent the severe aggregation of adjacent active elemental Bi nanoparticles and (3) accelerate the potassiation/de-potassiation kinetics in elemental Bi precipitates after initial discharge/charge cycles. This work could inspire the development of metal-type anodes.
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Gao, H.; Guo, X.; Wang, S. J.; Zhang, F.; Liu, H.; Wang, G. X. Antimony-based nanomaterials for high-performance potassium-ion batteries. EcoMat 2020, 2, e12027.
Xu, J. Y.; Lai, C. L.; Duan, L. P.; Zhang, Y. X.; Xu, Y. F.; Bao, J. C.; Zhou, X. S. Anchoring ultrafine CoP and CoSb nanoparticles into rich N-doped carbon nanofibers for efficient potassium storage. Sci. China Mater. 2022, 65, 43–50.
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Lei, K. X.; Wang, C. C.; Liu, L. J.; Luo, Y. W.; Mu, C. N.; Li, F. J.; Chen, J. A porous network of bismuth used as the anode material for high-energy-density potassium-ion batteries. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 4687–4691.
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Yang, H.; Xu, R.; Yao, Y.; Ye, S. F.; Zhou, X. F.; Yu, Y. Multicore-shell Bi@N-doped carbon nanospheres for high power density and long cycle life sodium-and potassium-ion anodes. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 29, 1809195.
Sun, X. P.; Zhang, B.; Chen, M.; Wang, L.; Wang, D. B.; Man, R. X.; Iqbal, S.; Tian, F.; Qian, Y. T.; Xu, L. Q. Space-confined growth of Bi2Se3 nanosheets encapsulated in N-doped carbon shell lollipop-like composite for full/half potassium-ion and lithium-ion batteries. Nano Today 2022, 43, 101408.
Tong, Z. Q.; Yang, R.; Wu, S. L.; Shen, D.; Jiao, T. P.; Zhang, K. L.; Zhang, W. J.; Lee, C. S. Defect-engineered vanadium trioxide nanofiber bundle@graphene hybrids for high-performance all-vanadate Na-ion and K-ion full batteries. J. Mater. Chem. A 2019, 7, 19581–19588.
Su, S. L.; Liu, Q.; Wang, J.; Fan, L.; Ma, R. F.; Chen, S. H.; Han, X.; Lu, B. G. Control of SEI formation for stable potassium-ion battery anodes by Bi-MOF-derived nanocomposites. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 22474–22480.
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