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Tunable electrical properties of C60m-xylene and the formation of semiconducting ordered amorphous carbon clusters under pressure

Zhongyan Wu1Guoying Gao2Jinbo Zhang3Alexander Soldatov2( )Jaeyong Kim1( )Lin Wang2( )Yongjun Tian2
Department of Physics, Institute for High Pressure Research, Hanyang University, Seoul 04763, Republic of Korea
Center for High Pressure Science (CHiPS), State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science and Technology, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China
College of Physical Science and Technology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225002, China
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Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and temperature dependent electrical transport behavior of C60·m-xylene were investigated along with Raman spectroscopy under high pressure for the first time. The pressure-induced insulating to semiconducting transition and energy gap widening were found due to the dimerization and the formation of the ordered amorphous carbon clusters (OACC) phase, respectively.


Ordered amorphous carbon clusters (OACC) transformed from m-xylene solvated C60 (C60·m-xylene) are known as the first crystalline material constructed from amorphous building blocks and have attracted a lot of attention. The formation mechanism and physical properties of this material are of great importance for the design of more materials with such structural characteristics. In this article, the transport and structural properties of C60·m-xylene are systematically investigated under pressure using impedance spectroscopy, four-probe resistance measurements, and Raman spectroscopy. It is found that C60·m-xylene is an insulator at ambient pressure. The resistance decreases sharply starting at the pressure around 8 GPa due to the pressure-induced dimerization of C60 verified by the Raman study. The presence of solvent hinders further polymerization of C60 under higher pressures. The temperature-dependence of resistance exhibits a semiconducting characteristic at > 8–26.9 GPa, and is well described by Mott's three-dimensional variable-range hopping model (3D-VRH), indicating an insulating-to-semiconducting transition accompanied with pressure-induced dimerization. The resistance and hopping energy are both found to decrease monotonically with pressure and reach the minimum near 24 GPa. Above the pressure, resistance and hopping energy values start to rise, suggesting a transition to another semiconducting state, which is attributed to the pressure-induced formation of OACC. The conductivity shows a large hysteresis during decompression from higher than 24 GPa, confirming a different transport behavior of the sample with retained fullerenes versus OACC. The findings of our study suggest that the transport property of fullerene is tunable by introducing solvates and further enhance our understanding of the OACC.



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Nano Research
Pages 3788-3793
Cite this article:
Wu Z, Gao G, Zhang J, et al. Tunable electrical properties of C60m-xylene and the formation of semiconducting ordered amorphous carbon clusters under pressure. Nano Research, 2022, 15(4): 3788-3793.






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Published: 06 January 2022
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