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Cation-π interaction is an electrostatic interaction between a cation and an electron-rich arene. It plays an essential role in many biological systems as a vital driving force for protein folding, stability, and receptor-ligand interaction/recognition. To date, the discovery of most cation-π interactions in proteins relies on the statistical analyses of available three-dimensional (3D) protein structures and corresponding computational calculations. However, their experimental verification and quantification remain sparse at the molecular level, mainly due to the limited methods to dynamically measure such a weak non-covalent interaction in proteins. Here, we use atomic force microscopy-based single-molecule force spectroscopy (AFM-SMFS) to measure the stability of protein neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (also known as NGAL, siderocalin, lipocalin 2) that can bind iron through the cation-π interactions between its three cationic residues and the iron-binding tri-catechols. Based on a site-specific cysteine engineering and anchoring method, we first characterized the stability and unfolding pathways of apo-NGAL. Then, the same NGAL but bound with the iron-catechol complexes through the cation-π interactions as a holo-form was characterized. AFM measurements demonstrated stronger stabilities and kinetics of the holo-NGAL from two pulling sites, F122 and F133. Here, NGAL is stretched from the designed cysteine close to the cationic residues for a maximum unfolding effect. Thus, our work demonstrates high-precision detection of the weak cation-π interaction in NGAL.
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