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As an alternative energy, hydrogen can be converted into electrical energy via direct electrochemical conversion in fuel cells. One important drawback of full cells is the sluggish oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) promoted by the high-loading of platinum-group-metal (PGM) electrocatalysts. Fe-N-C family has been received extensive attention because of its low cost, long service life and high oxygen reduction reaction activity in recent years. In order to further enhance the ORR activity, the synthesis method, morphology regulation and catalytic mechanism of the active sites in Fe-N-C catalysts are investigated. This paper reviews the research progress of Fe-N-C from nanoparticles to single atoms. The structure-activity relationship and catalytic mechanism of the catalyst are studied and discussed, which provide a guidance for rational design of the catalyst, so as to promote the more reasonable design of Fe-N-C materials.
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