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Multi-photon-pumped lasing based on metal-halide perovskites is promising for nonlinear optics and practical frequency- upconversion devices in integrated photonic systems. However, at present almost all the multi-photon-pumped lasing emissions from perovskite microcavities were limited for two-photon excitation, and also suffered from a compromise in room temperature or low temperature operation conditions. In this study, based on the vapor-phase epitaxial CsPbBr3 microplatelets with high crystallinity, self-formed high-quality microcavities, and great thermal stability, low-threshold and high-quality factor whispering gallery mode lasing was realized under single-, two-, and three-photon excitation, and the lasing action is very stable under continuous pulsed laser irradiation (~ 3.6 × 107 laser shots). More importantly, the three-photon-pumped lasing can be efficiently sustained at a high temperature of ~ 400 K, and the characteristic temperature was determined to be as high as ~ 152.6 K, indicating the highly temperature-insensitive gain threshold. Note that this is the first report on high-temperature three-photon-pumped lasing on perovskite microcavities. Moreover, an aggressive thermal cycling test (two cycles, 290−400−290 K) was further performed to indicate the stability and repeatability of the multi-photon-pumped lasing characteristics. It can be anticipated that the results obtained represent a significant step toward the temperature-insensitive frequency-upconversion lasing, inspiring the exploitation of advantageous perovskites for novel applications.
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