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The assembly of hybrid nanomaterials has opened up a new direction for the construction of high-performance anodes for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). In this work, we present a straightforward, eco-friendly, one-step hydrothermal protocol for the synthesis of a new type of Fe2O3-SnO2/graphene hybrid, in which zero-dimensional (0D) SnO2 nanoparticles with an average diameter of 8 nm and one-dimensional (1D) Fe2O3 nanorods with a length of ~150 nm are homogeneously attached onto two-dimensional (2D) reduced graphene oxide nanosheets, generating a unique point-line-plane (0D-1D-2D) architecture. The achieved Fe2O3-SnO2/graphene exhibits a well-defined morphology, a uniform size, and good monodispersity. As anode materials for LIBs, the hybrids exhibit a remarkable reversible capacity of 1, 530 mA·g−1 at a current density of 100 mA·g−1 after 200 cycles, as well as a high rate capability of 615 mAh·g−1 at 2, 000 mA·g−1. Detailed characterizations reveal that the superior lithium-storage capacity and good cycle stability of the hybrids arise from their peculiar hybrid nanostructure and conductive graphene matrix, as well as the synergistic interaction among the components.
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